So Disturbing, So Frightening, So Amusing: This was discussed on Jim Rome yesterday and Las Vegas news did a report last week. I have been hit by a paintball through clothes so cannot imagine the pain of getting hit naked...
Looks like a hoax to promote a brothel. At least, I hope it's a hoax to promote a brothel.
posted by etagloh at 01:12 PM on July 16, 2003
I think it is a means to promote these videos and probably a porn site as many Girls Gone Wild imitators have come about and may not have the funds to advertise on Stern TV show on E! It has been a great means of getting free national publicity. I had previously seen a video clip where the creator was asked if he was worried about the liability of being sued, he responded by saying, "I hope I get sued. It will be great for publicity. I hope Disney sues me for using the name Bambi."
posted by dales15 at 01:19 PM on July 16, 2003
Be aware that the Urban Legends web site is giving this an excellent chance to be a hoax. The web site of the company itself is right here. Very weird stuff.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:00 PM on July 16, 2003
The 'hair drag' section? This is scarier than I first thought.
posted by garfield at 03:11 PM on July 16, 2003
It has to be a hoax. I've done paintball a few times. The first rule they drum into you is that you never, under any circumstances, remove your goggles while in the playing area. There is no way even a Las Vegas prostitute would be dumb enough to venture into a paintball area not even wearing basic eye protection.
posted by salmacis at 06:08 PM on July 16, 2003
As sure as I'm a pointless dickhead, it's a hoax. Good hoax though.
posted by squealy at 06:23 PM on July 16, 2003
Squealy, aren't all dickheads pointless? Otherwise, you'd break the reservoir tip every time.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:29 AM on July 17, 2003
I won't even pretend to understand what you're on about wfrazerjr. So I'll just say yes.
posted by squealy at 09:53 AM on July 17, 2003
Its real... Sounds like the only reason to go to Vegas! I like it! Oh baby...this is better than hunting for food and then eating it...
posted by StarFucker at 09:59 AM on July 17, 2003
Even as a hoax, it's disturbing. But it's surely a hoax: a paintball is about as hard as a gumball, and eye protection is essential. This would be a liability nightmare, even if it were just private pesons acting like assholes.
posted by outside counsel at 10:09 AM on July 17, 2003
Why is this disturbing?! I can't understand you "men". You're hunting naked chicks for christ's sake?! Have you all been that pussified by women's lib that you can't even admit you like naked women?! This is NOT a hoax...i saw a report on it last night on my local news. They don't use the same paintballs i don't think...and there are probably rules about how close you can be to shoot them...etc, etc. i'm sure its not COMBAT PAINTBALL like the kind i have participated in. It sounds like a lot of fun.. Good soon before everything in the world including ourselves is padded with 3 inch kevlar so we don't hurt ourselves or others in lieu of lawsuits?!
posted by StarFucker at 10:14 AM on July 17, 2003
StarFucker, as a member of the news media, I hate to be the one to break this to you: not everything in the news is researched very well. Some of us are just plain gullible and stupid, to be honest.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:22 AM on July 17, 2003
wfrazerj... I know all about the media... It is the fucking obedient/paid off media that let Bush and his jihad lie to us straightfaced about the reasons we have to go attack Iraq... Instead of asking poignant questions to statements like, "We have intelligence that states Saddam has nuclear weapons.." the media kowtowed to Dumbya and said, "Wow, well thats good enough for us! Send the troops!" Here is some followup to the story...its real. I only wish i liked to gamble, because i would definitely do this while i was there...I never go to Vegas though.
posted by StarFucker at 10:35 AM on July 17, 2003
MeFiVegas, baby!!! I do believe we should add this to the Hedonism track of the conference. If my wife will let me.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:55 AM on July 17, 2003
Have you all been that pussified by women's lib that you can't even admit you like naked women?! are you being serious? i know you've got some sorta "i'm funny" get-out-of-jail-free-card, but you sound serious. i like naked women. i love a woman, a plastic sheet and buncha finger paints. i even like going out and "hunting" down a lay. i don't like this (hoax or no). it glorifies violence. it disrepects the goddess. it's freaking pointless. any guy who has to put a woman down to get off is not a "real man" in my book.
posted by danostuporstar at 11:40 AM on July 17, 2003
dano, much of society disrespects the goddess, whatever that means exactly. same goes for violence glorification. i'm not running to valujet for an all-inclusive weekend deal, but the fact is we have freaks in this world that get off on the strangest things. don't like it, don't do it. especially if you are thinking about auditioning for the part of Bambi. 'nuf said.
posted by garfield at 11:55 AM on July 17, 2003
I'm still not convinced.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:05 PM on July 17, 2003
By the way, Starfucker, are you naturally this much of an asshole, or do you have to work at it?
posted by salmacis at 12:16 PM on July 17, 2003
"Disrespects the goddess"?!? "Putting down women"?! I happen to think this is fun...this has NOTHING to do with putting down women to "get off"...They might even do it the other way, women hunting men...who cares?! This is a cool idea in my opinion and doesn't put down anyone. I would be more than willing to be the "hunted". Will that be putting men down? For some reason i don't think it would be...
posted by StarFucker at 12:20 PM on July 17, 2003
atleast his name isn't 'brown-starfish-fucker', then he'd really be, ah, into assholes.
posted by garfield at 01:07 PM on July 17, 2003
posted by StarFucker at 02:51 PM on July 17, 2003
*sigh* Folks, 90% of the people out there are going to be disturbed by this, including me. So what? Will it be YOU getting hurt? No. Outside of the people involved in this, as weird and twisted as it might be, is it harming anyone else? Nope. Yes, the women are probably stupid for doing this. Yes, the guys are pretty strange for ponying up money to "hunt" women. Big deal. You want to make a societal change, go work with abused kids or rape victims. Direct your outrage where it might do some good.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:12 PM on July 17, 2003
The weird thing is the cost--in the thousands--and with no guarantee of anything besides shooting a naked lady with a paint gun. The potential audience is men with tons of disposable income and a shambles of a social life. I qualify on the latter but not the former. Dang it. Wait, I mean, FEMINISM NOW!
posted by Justin Slotman at 03:28 PM on July 17, 2003
whose outraged? i just said i didn't like it and guys who would do it are aholes. i was more pissed at sfucker for calling me a pussy for not liking than i was at the existence of the site. (more to the point, i was actually pissed at sfucker for wanking about futbol (again) in the fantasy football locker room thread and it bubbled out out here.)
posted by danostuporstar at 04:03 PM on July 17, 2003
Oh, i was not wanking...
posted by StarFucker at 04:14 PM on July 17, 2003
salmacis: There is no way even a Las Vegas prostitute would be dumb enough to venture into a paintball area not even wearing basic eye protection. Hey, does anyone have a picture of a naked lady wearing goggles? Somehow, that seems to me a to be a... um... potent image.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:07 PM on July 17, 2003
GIS for Goggles+Naked...
posted by StarFucker at 05:42 PM on July 17, 2003
I love the idea that you'd have to be a "pussy" not to be turned on by dressing up in hunting camouflage and shooting paintballs at naked women. Whatever floats your boat, but I'd file this right alongside the guys who go on Jerry Springer in big-ass diapers with girlfriends who clean up when they "go poopy." Way too much information, StarFucker. For anyone who might think this isn't dehumanizing and degrading, that was the whole idea behind the hunt. Here's a quote that was recently removed from the Hunting for Bambi photo gallery of hunted women: "This is our 'Liars, Cheaters and Whore Bags' Photo Gallery. Every single "Bitch" got what she deserved!" (Google cache link). There's also a page in which they show a wish list of targets, all of whom are widely despised by Joe SixPack. Hating women is the whole shtick.
posted by rcade at 06:06 PM on July 17, 2003
Whatever, i didn't say i espoused putting down women... I never even went to the site... I just thought it was a good idea, a fun idea, like i said, putting the shoe on the other foot and having women hunt men would be just as fun...if these guys have some kind of vengeance in mind...well, this IS a strange way to go about it... I am coming from the, "women are hypocrites/these double standards piss me off" camp...
posted by StarFucker at 06:13 PM on July 17, 2003
After looking at the "Wish List" page, I still think Tonya Harding is hot. Does that mean I'm weird?
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:59 PM on July 17, 2003
posted by StarFucker at 10:50 PM on July 17, 2003
I think we need to shoot paintballs at Tonya Harding and Monica Lewinsky. And maybe Kathy Lee. But I don't think we need to see them naked. No. Definitely not.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:09 AM on July 18, 2003
Fair enough, sexer of Stars. I still think this hunt was dreamed up to outrage people and sell videos, though they would gladly take money from people who wanted to actually do it.
posted by rcade at 08:08 AM on July 18, 2003
NOW is way off. This game won't start a trend of hunting women. Ideally, it might provide a legal alternative to the sociopathic predator, though the steep price tag is a tad prohibitive. That said, who wants to bang a chick who's been running around naked in the woods and has paint all over her? I wouldn't want to be surprised by a well hidden burr, or some such.