MLB Post-Season Pick 'Em, Final Standings: SportsFilter generated about as much offence as any team facing Barry Zito in October in the World Series. Final standings are inside!
posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 08:17 PM - 10 comments
Ufez is the only player to score multiple points, but holden's lead is big enough to hold him off. Congratulations, holden!
Heh. To be honest, I figured the only way I had a chance was to wait for holden to post his picks and go oppo-field. Sandoval was a coin-flip with Posey. It almost worked?
Congrats holden.
posted by Ufez Jones at 08:52 PM on October 29, 2012
Did littleLebowski play all three rounds? Because of so, that's an impressive Costanza- has there ever been a "Golden Costanza" in past pick 'ems?
posted by hincandenza at 12:16 AM on October 30, 2012
No, littleLebowski only jumped in for the last round, which makes him ineligible for the Costanza. Same for NerfballPro.
Which leaves Ying Yang Mafia as the Costanza winner. Congratulations!
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:02 AM on October 30, 2012
Also, we do have at least one Perfect Costanza in SpoFi Pick 'Em history. It was Folkways in the 2006 CFL Playoffs Pick 'Em.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:06 AM on October 30, 2012
I initially had wanted to say Giants in 4 instead of 5, but thought "naaaah"
Anyway, good job, holden. Well earned victory there.
posted by NerfballPro at 10:34 AM on October 30, 2012
Geez, I put up ARodish World Series numbers. Oh well, getting cold around here and having my employer trade me to Florida in November wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.
Congrats to Holden and thanks again DrJE.
posted by cixelsyd at 11:32 AM on October 30, 2012
Also, we do have at least one Perfect Costanza...
And I haven't been able to finish a SpoFi pick-em since. Why mess with perfection.
posted by Folkways at 12:57 PM on October 30, 2012
I took the time-honored approach of building a big lead and holding on for dear life. As I mentioned in the World Series clincher thread, fun postseason (if a bit devoid of drama at the end).
posted by holden at 01:18 PM on October 30, 2012
Which leaves Ying Yang Mafia as the Costanza winner. Congratulations!
A fitting end to an ultimately disappointing postseason.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:17 PM on October 30, 2012
Our Pick 'Em closely resembled the actual Series: short, sweet, and not much offence.
Sandoval takes home the MVP, and also happens to take the only intentional walk in the Series.
Ufez is the only player to score multiple points, but holden's lead is big enough to hold him off. Congratulations, holden!
Thanks to everyone for playing. See y'all in March for the 3rd Quadrennial WBC Pick 'Em!