SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 02:35 PM on October 15, 2012
posted by NoMich at 03:14 PM on October 15, 2012
'Bout a foot-and-a-half, 2 feet, lower and we've an announcer talking soprano.
posted by Howard_T at 03:29 PM on October 15, 2012
Yankees really need to stop whining
But if we're going to have more replay, I don't just want it instant. I want it retroactive, too. Specifically, retroactive to the 1996 American League Championship Series when umpire Richie Garcia gave the Yankees the Jeffrey Maier home run. And the 1998 World Series when Garcia should have called strike three on Tino Martinez just before he hit a grand slam off Mark Langston. And the 1999 ALCS when Tim Tschida called out Jose Offerman on Chuck Knoblauch's phantom tag. And the 2009 Division Series when Phil Cuzzi ruled Joe Mauer's double down the line was foul.
After all those bad calls went their way, the Yankees are now going to whine about the umpires doing them wrong? Please.
Aso, bizarre statement:
"This is a very easy place to play now," Tigers outfielder Quintin Berry said, according to Yahoo! Sports. "Coming from Oakland, the fans there were so rowdy. It was easier to come here."
posted by justgary at 03:49 PM on October 15, 2012
Or the Yankees could give back that Dewayne Wise non-catch of a foul ball earlier this very year; that was a 6-4 game where that non-catch was made with two outs and a man on third; by Girardi rules, that means Cleveland may have won that game. Had Cleveland won that game, the Yankees would have 94 wins, and I think that changes the seeding in the ALDS.
posted by hincandenza at 04:02 PM on October 15, 2012
Yankees really need to stop whining
Girardi has a point on the play in question.
He should however be careful of what he asks for as he might be giving up an advantage he has with the Yankees.
posted by cixelsyd at 04:30 PM on October 15, 2012
Oh my nose!
There's one announcer who'll have to sit at home and miss the prom.
posted by NerfballPro at 04:33 PM on October 15, 2012
Yankees really need to stop whining
I knew as soon as the call was blown that it would be the game's big story. Never mind that the Yankees failed to score so the call seems mostly moot.
I do, however, have a hard time taking a baseball writer who says this seriously:
C'mon. They've played only two games, but this series is over.
Did he watch the divisional round? How about the World Series last year? Or the ALCS in 2004? I won't consider the series to be over until one team is celebrating their pennant victory.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:59 PM on October 15, 2012
I won't consider the series to be over until one team is celebrating their pennant victory.
Suzuki, Cano, Granderson, Ibanez, Texiera :
5 players who could hit top of the order for any other MLB team. Even without Jeter and with a struggling ARod it is the toughest lineup in baseball.
It's not over.
posted by cixelsyd at 05:29 PM on October 15, 2012
Suzuki, Cano, Granderson, Ibanez, Texiera :
5 players who could hit top of the order for any other MLB team. Even without Jeter and with a struggling ARod it is the toughest lineup in baseball.
Beltran, Holliday, Craig, Molina, Freese is arguably a better fivesome. No one who can match Cano's regular season output, but five guys with mid- to high-800s OPS.
posted by holden at 05:53 PM on October 15, 2012
5 players who could hit top of the order for any other MLB team.
Are we talking about Ichiro and Ibanez from this year?
posted by yerfatma at 06:08 PM on October 15, 2012
Did he watch the divisional round?
Eh, espn/si journalist always deal in hyperbole. The Yankees can definitely come back, but going into game #3 with Verlander on the mound at home is certainly a huge advantage.
Suzuki, Cano, Granderson, Ibanez, Texiera
I guess that shows how sad offenses have been in the playoffs. Suzuki has played well, but was terrible before getting to New York. Granderson strikes out way too much. Tex at this point in his career is an above average offensive first baseman, but not by much. I mean, Ortiz was a much better hitter than Tex, and he was suppose to be washed up last year. Ibanez has gotten hot.
Yes, that lineup has the talent to get hot and win some games, no doubt, but I certainly wouldn't call it intimidating.
posted by justgary at 06:25 PM on October 15, 2012
posted by tommybiden at 07:36 PM on October 15, 2012
There are 20 minutes off the clock in Denver and 11 penalties and three dropped kick returns so far. Not exactly a classic MNF going on in San Diego.
posted by dfleming at 09:36 PM on October 15, 2012
This has to be the curse of Tebow. I can't think of a more reasonable explanation for Decker tripping over his own feet.
posted by tron7 at 10:15 PM on October 15, 2012
Mexican drug lords have tunneled underneath the stadium and have altered the magnetic field of the earth below the playing surface.
posted by beaverboard at 11:27 PM on October 15, 2012
Being a Bronco fan has not been boring lately.
posted by tron7 at 12:19 AM on October 16, 2012
"That's the most horseshit call I've ever seen."
posted by tron7 at 12:41 AM on October 16, 2012
There are 20 minutes off the clock in Denver and 11 penalties and three dropped kick returns so far. Not exactly a classic MNF going on in San Diego.
Apparently the second half was a bit different in that regard.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:54 AM on October 16, 2012
I can't think of a more reasonable explanation for Decker tripping over his own feet.
Decker himself provides the explanation.
posted by tron7 at 12:11 PM on October 16, 2012
Also, Decker's girlfriend Jessie James takes to Twitter to offer her explanation.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:49 PM on October 17, 2012