Fan Dies in Upper Deck Fall at Georgia Dome: A 20-year-old man from Tennessee fell around 35 feet from the upper level of the Georgia Dome during the Tennessee-North Carolina State Friday and died at the hospital. A fan he struck below was treated and released. Isaac Grubb was celebrating the Vols' second touchdown, said eyewitness Ryan Coleman. "We were all celebrating. He started pumping fists and was leaning over the rail. He just slipped off."
We humans, by our very nature, are pretty stupid ... some of us got luckier than others. Unfortunately, these recent cases, as well as the Texas father who reached over the railing to catch a thrown ball (all of them preventable cases), prove my point.
No action is needed; fans should not have their vision blocked by a higher railing because some people don't realize why one's there ... it's a long way down.