The game that's changed the way millions of men go to the toilet... : ... and is poised to sweep the globe in 2003! No-one knows when or where the sport of Peeball began. What is clear however, is that the growth of the beverage industry and the invention of the modern day urinal in 1891 sent the popularity of the once aristocratic game of Peeball soaring.
Do I smell some local SpoFi Peeball(tm) Tournies in the air? Armed with my finesse and style, I'm sure I could take out an unskilled, 'brute force' wizzer like vito90! Or perhaps an online rotisserie league over at Yahoo- with legendary Gunther Bürsht in my stable, I'd be sure to win in a cake walk!
posted by hincandenza to extreme at 03:36 PM - 5 comments
HEY! I'm not a brute force whizzer. I'm a practitioner of the ol' work-out-the-prostate while I'm at the can, by doggedly stopping and restarting the flow up to ten times per visit. Right in mid-stream! So I'm more of an anti-aircraft fire kind of guy. By the way, this is only if I'm solo at the trough.
posted by vito90 at 09:56 PM on July 06, 2003
Two comments? I'm so demoralized... :( This is PEEball, people!
posted by hincandenza at 12:19 AM on July 07, 2003
They sell them in local bars round here. Yes, I have had a go, but it's not exactly what you'd call a sport surely!
posted by BigCalm at 02:50 AM on July 07, 2003
The easiest way to drum up some comments is to perhaps link to the online game and then, if form holds, people will play it and compare scores. 774. And disappointed by the lack of actual (virtual) pee in the game.
posted by gspm at 03:51 AM on July 07, 2003
I prefer pocket billiards!