Clemens denied again.: I know he's gonna get it sooner or later, but today's game was a gem with the Cubs coming out on top. I also realize I'm just a bitter Sox fan and my prejudice holds no water, so why not let my buddy the Sportsguy sum it up.
I just kind of laugh to myself when I think of the 50+ person entourage following him around the country, only to be disappointed time and time again. It kind of feels like no one wants Clemens to get 300. The Yankees play the Red Sox July 4th weekend. I am secretly hoping he goes and gets 300 before then... [bitter Sox fan rant] and part of me wants this Traveling Entourage of Disappointment to go on until September without the 300. [/bitter Sox fan rant]
posted by jerseygirl at 12:32 AM on June 08, 2003
the entourage thing is funny. Anyone see how clueless his kid was on TV today? It sort of sucks that some of his kids weren't able to get in though, the fighting amongst the kids must suck for that. At the stadium, the whole group can be there, at least. Though I don't see him getting it next week vs the Cards either. Today was his best start of the year, and it's been several years since he had 2 great starts in a row...
posted by Bernreuther at 02:16 AM on June 08, 2003
[bitter Sox fan rant] and part of me wants this Traveling Entourage of Disappointment to go on until September without the 300. [/bitter Sox fan rant] You Red Sox fans are so funny. When do you plan on giving up this ridiculous grudge? He's been gone for 7 seasons. A lot of players have done a lot worse things than leave town because the team wouldn't offer him a long term deal. He gave you 12 years of ridiculously good pitching while the management never built a team good enough to win it all around him. He left town and proved he was a winner after all. Give it up already. Go find someone else to misplace the frustration of not winning a championship for 95 seasons on. Pedro will make a fine next pariah for you, I'm sure. I'd hate to see what it would be like to break up with a Red Sox fan. Yeesh.
posted by therev at 12:42 PM on June 08, 2003
Ha. Great article. My thoughts exactly. You Red Sox fans are so funny. No, we're just passionate and traditional. We remember a time when a player played his entire career with the same team. Growing up Yaz was my favorite player and it never crossed my mind he would ever play for the yankees. And sure, times have changed, but old feelings die hard. Nothing wrong with that. He left town and proved he was a winner after all. By going to the yankees? Ha. That's a good one. The yankees won before clemons and they'll win after clemons. He was smart enough to jump aboard. If you can't beat them, join them. Smart boy that clemons.
posted by justgary at 12:38 AM on June 09, 2003
It's Clemens. If you're going to hate the guy, at least get his name right. And he was a winner in Boston, but because of your city's obsession with the World Series, it's hard for you to accept that. :) But I'm happy to see him not get 300 because I'm a Jays fan and I'd like to see them stay in the hunt for the AL-East title for a little longer.
posted by grum@work at 06:46 PM on June 09, 2003
Excuse me. ClemEns. Of course, I'd rather spell it Clem$ns, but whatever =) He's a great pitcher, but if I had one game to win I can think of dozens of guys I'd rather give the ball to. The article, though knee deep in redsox hatred, brings up a lot of good points. Points, I might add, that are hard to argue against.
posted by justgary at 09:37 PM on June 09, 2003
see my comments on the previous thread. Acevedo sucks. I can't believe Torre made that call. I would have been 100% OK with a pitching gem that he lost, ie the 2-0 classic vs Pedro, but to get stuck with the loss based on a bad decision and the actions of a terrible pitcher, ruining an awesome pitching duel, just sucks. I could see that he was losing it, but I'd rather have seen him give up a HR or 2 run double and lose it himself. I love the Sports Guy but I still think that they really just need to blame Duquette. Good date analogy, but he forgets that if my ex went and got implants, and dated my nemesis, I'd just laugh at her and be glad I lost her shallow ass :)