New York Giants Coach Jim Fassel and his wife Kitty were reunited on Wednesday with the son they gave up for adoption 34 years ago.
I'm guessing he'll probably change allegiances. A member of my extended family is in the same position as this adoptee: He was given up for adoption by parents who later married and had more children they did raise. From my position of ignorance, I don't understand how you could avoid being bitter in that circumstance, even if your adopted parents had raised you well.
posted by rcade at 10:45 AM on May 16, 2003
Well...I'm adopted...the parents who adopted me are wonderful and still baby me to this day, they always made my sister and I feel like we were the most important things on Earth. I've never met my biological parents (my sister has and the experience was neither poor nor fulfilling). I'm not even curious about them, but I am thankful they made the decision they did. You can avoid being bitter if you know or believe in your heart that they did it for your own welfare, which was the case for me (the extent of my knowledge about my birth parents is that she was single and 19 and a paralegal, he was in his 30's and married and a can see how keeping me might not have worked in anybody's interest). This is a feel-good story, though. The fact that the son was looking for them at the same time they were looking for him is pretty cool.
posted by vito90 at 11:27 AM on May 16, 2003
vito, that story, coupled with your attitude toward porn makes me wonder-- scenes of office sex: turn on or turn off?
posted by yerfatma at 05:02 PM on May 16, 2003
My attitude towards porn is that more is better. You now know as much about my biological parents as I do...learning more about them has never been important, so I would have to say nothing about them influences any of my thinking...
posted by vito90 at 10:21 AM on May 19, 2003
That's pretty cool, you don't know who your dad is and you find out he's the coach of a NFL team. Too bad he's a broncos fan.