NFL Pick 'Em, SUPERBOWL and final results: The final standings are in after all four founds of the Sportsfilter 2010-2011 NFL Playoffs Pick 'Em... and we have a winner!
posted by hincandenza to fantasy at 02:33 PM - 6 comments
Oh, and while a mere formality since the Great and Mighty Owlhouse clinched this two weeks ago, the final standings for the (Sportsfilter) confidence pool are here:
SpoFite | TOTAL |
owlhouse | 82 |
MrFrisby | 72 |
hincandenza | 71 |
tron7 | 70 |
Howard_T | 63 |
bender | 54 |
tahoemoj | 54 |
Also, the NoMich-managed offsite Confidence Pool final results can be found here, but since NoMich won so handily, I honestly figure the whole thing was rigged. ;)
posted by hincandenza at 03:05 PM on February 08, 2011
most notably rcade who had the highest point total in the Superbowl round with 13!
Home field advantage ?
posted by tommybiden at 04:05 PM on February 08, 2011
It was tempting to edit my comment afterwards.
posted by rcade at 04:11 PM on February 08, 2011
Thanks for the shout out, as well as the confidence pool co-Costanza!
posted by tahoemoj at 05:30 PM on February 08, 2011
Thanks for organising, hal.
I think you and tron win the biathlon.
posted by owlhouse at 08:43 PM on February 08, 2011
Our big winner this year was with 32 points! He narrowly beat out your humble scorekeeper this year to capture the Sportsfilter NFL 2010-2011 Playoffs Pick 'Em crown.
Our Costanza winner this year was NoMich, who while actually competitive with 23 points nevertheless had the lowest total among anyone who played all 4 weekends. We had some new players for the Superbowl round who did quite well this past week, most notably rcade who had the highest point total in the Superbowl round with 13!
Correct Picks, Superbowl Round
Here are the correct picks for this week, followed by the final standings. If you see any errors, be sure to let me know as this may affect the final standings:
A special shout out here to the incredible tahoemoj, whose almost-perfect picks of PIT (135) and GB (286) for the above two lines were quite simply spooky!Final Standings: