Still need 1 more... : or one less. Looks like the fantasy league is still in need of one more team before the draft on Sunday. It seems odd we can't find one more person to play, but if we can\'t by draft day I give permission to drop me from the league as I think I was the last to join.
(and what's with the added s after contraction?)
Your problem is solved.
posted by drezdn at 04:56 PM on September 04, 2010
Just in case the problem is not, in fact, solved, let me know.
posted by feloniousmonk at 05:02 PM on September 04, 2010
thanks for joining drezdn!
posted by scully at 10:57 AM on September 06, 2010
So...the day at the beach with the family was wonderful and worth it, but holy shit, can horrible things happen when you leave it up to an autodraft! Should make for an interesting season. Congratulations to all who got players who I have actually heard of.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:01 PM on September 06, 2010
The problem that isn't solved is Sportsfilter (Locker Room posts at least) adding slashes to escape apostrophies. Or is it?
posted by scully at 06:51 PM on September 09, 2010
It doesn't usually affect me unless I have to do a lot of editing. But if I do I have to go back and delete, in a long post, hundreds of slashes.
posted by justgary at 04:16 PM on September 10, 2010
I just figured out where the preview bug is coming from. I will fix it forthwith.
posted by rcade at 07:19 PM on September 13, 2010
Beuller? Beuller? Beuller?