SARS and the Toronto Blue Jays:
As a result of the recent World Health Organization travel warning about visiting Toronto, Major League Baseball decided to pile on and warn visiting teams not to sign autographs or mingle with crowds. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is no laughing matter in Toronto right now, but over-reaction like this may kill the Jays financially (as they desperately need tickets sold by charter trips from New York, Cleveland, Boston and Detroit).
Seriously, this is a disease with a 5-6% mortality rate and a couple of hundred people have contracted it. Do we really need to take this much interest off of more important things (what's happening in Iraq, play-offs, etc) to get all **plague! plague! boogada boogada boogada!!! plague!! lock up your kids!! don't drink the water!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!** yeah, I didn't think so.
posted by Ufez Jones at 03:22 PM on April 24, 2003
Actually, the scary part of the disease is how easy it seems to travel from person to person (look how many health care workers are catching it WITH the precautions). That's what's got everyone worried right now. Sure it might only kill the weak and elderly, but if it starts to mutate or get tougher to handle, it could get very, very serious. My wife is a health care worker (registered nurse) and she couldn't go into work the last 3 days because she had a cough and sore throat. Nothing major, and before the SARS frightfest, she'd have just worn a mask and been fine. But now she's banned from going into work until the cold symptoms subside. It's a bit draconian, but in the long run it's probably better to be safe than sorry. But to throw a worldwide notice out there not to visit a city because of a few hundred cases does seem to be a bit over the top. In any event, this has completely fucked Toronto's economy for the next year at least. The long reaching effects could be disasterous. That said, I should have no problem getting a nice hotel room for cheap now if I want to go into the city to see a play or catch a Jays game.
posted by grum@work at 04:29 PM on April 24, 2003
My wife is a health care worker (registered nurse) and she couldn't go into work the last 3 days because she had a cough and sore throat. ohmigod grum, and you posted to this thread!?!?! :) In all seriousness, though, I am moving to T.O. this summer, and the whole thing is a bit of paranoia right now, but something to keep an eye on. You are also right about the economy getting screwed for the next while, though.
posted by smithers at 04:46 PM on April 24, 2003
smithers: Don't worry...I was wearing a mask and rubber gloves when I posted. But then I always do that when I post to SpoFi, so that isn't really important.
posted by grum@work at 05:40 PM on April 24, 2003
I usually wear a condom, especially if it's a thread about soccer. You never know what diseases StarFucker's got.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:53 PM on April 24, 2003
Actually, SF is sick right now. So send him some good vibes, OK? (OH NO! He posted his comment right next to mine! Medic!)
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:05 AM on April 25, 2003
MLB medic says: "Be careful, but don't cancel Toronto games." Toronto mayor says: "Who the hell is the WHO?"
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:12 AM on April 25, 2003
"Over-reaction" and "paranoia" covers it perfectly.