Palmeiro: My Steroid Use was Accidental: Rafael Palmeiro -- one of only four players in history with 500 home runs and 3,000 hits -- has discussed his positive test for the anabolic steroid stanozolol in 2005 with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "It was an accidental, unintentional deal on my part, and I take full responsibility for that," said Palmeiro, who maintains that he he took a tainted shot of vitamin B12 from the Dominican Republic. Palmeiro will be on the Hall of Fame ballot for the first time this year. "I never played baseball for the Hall of Fame," he said. "I played baseball because, as a kid, I loved playing baseball."
I take full responsibility, even though it was because of a tainted vitamin shot; totally not my fault!. Other than that, though, I take full responsibility. Douchebag.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 09:51 AM on August 17, 2010
I accidentally took bong hits after bong hits....after bong hits. Not my fault one bit either and that's my story.
posted by BornIcon at 10:40 AM on August 17, 2010
You know,I've put a lot of thought into this, Raffy singlehandedly carried the Rangers through the month of July one year as they were doing their usual post AS break fade.... hard not to like him, always a team player and a very, very timely hitter.
Never seemed to be bulked up like so many of the other known and suspected users.
But, if you compare his pictures late in his career to the ones when he first came up as a Cub, there is a significant difference in his frame, as well as his power numbers. He turned from a good leadoff hitter with the Cubs into one of the most consistent, dominant, 3 or 4 hitters in MLB at the time, if not all-time. And if you project his numbers onto the HOF graph yerfatma provided us with several months ago, I think you will see that his numbers are more Bondsian than Ruthian or Thomeasian. Raffy was a classy player, but I think if you look at him as he was wagging his finger at Congress the day he testified, you can tell he was lying. And thus he must lay in the same bed as Bonds, McGwire, Clemens, Sosa et al, not so much because they used PED's, but because they lied about it in front of our lawmakers and the fans of this great game. My goodness, the consistent numbers he put up for a long, long time were awesome, though.
posted by mjkredliner at 01:23 AM on August 20, 2010
Always one of my favorite players. Not a star, but an everyday player who seemed to keep grinding away. No one knows if he is really telling the truth or not, except himself. I want to believe him. Never seemed to be bulked up like so many of the other known and suspected users.
I do think it interesting that when the steroids test results came out, he said he got from Miguel Tejada who admitted he gave Palmeiro only B-12 but claimed no involvement in steroids. Later Tejada shows up in Mitchell report, as one of the redacted names in the feds' search affidavit, and ended up pleading guilty to lying to Congress about steroids.