Writer: Michelle Wie Needs to Learn the Rules of Golf: "We know Michelle Wie is the future face of the LPGA, if she isn't already. We know she has an unbeatable combination of beauty, athleticism, personality and charisma. Regardless of how much the LPGA wants and needs Wie to be its star, it doesn't absolve her from continual problems with not only a lack of knowledge about the rules and little apparent desire to improve that, but her petulant, litte-girl whining when she gets caught." -- golf writer Garry Smits
dviking, when Wie should have been learning the rules in the summer youth league, she was playing in PGA Tour events instead. Tiger said it again and again to her and about her when she was young, that she should win her age group things and climb every rung of the ladder and not just try to skip a few and get straight to the top. Had she done that, she'd have learnt the rules along the way and could have made the embarrassing mistakes at junior non-televised events. As it is, she needs to be learning in front of all of us.
But that's only one side of the problem - her knowledge is lacking. The far bigger problem is her reaction to that; her seeming reluctance to even read the rules of the game that pays her very handsomely, and her sense of entitlement (is that the sports word of 2010?) when she does get caught breaking the rules. Most of her arguments so far have lead straight down "don't you know who I am?" road.
She needs to get back to her Buddhism.
posted by JJ at 06:24 AM on April 04, 2010
JJ, I hear you, but we're not talking aobut something that would have taken years to learn..we're talking about a few hours reading a book, and a few rule meetings. I'm talking about things that should have happened when she was 12, not 18.
posted by dviking at 01:03 PM on April 04, 2010
If her parents, agents, managers, and other assorted handlers haven't been able to get the message across to her by now, then I doubt they ever will. I have no interest at all in watching another whiny spoiled brat athlete, no matter how good they are.
posted by irunfromclones at 05:24 PM on April 06, 2010
I have no interest at all in watching another whiny spoiled brat athlete, no matter how good they are.
So your TV just stays off then?
posted by BoKnows at 08:00 PM on April 06, 2010
Totally agree with the writer.
What I can't figure out is, how'd she make this far without a better grasp of the rules. The summer youth league I was in years ago had mandatory rule meetings, and my daughter was in a similar league just a fews years ago and the rule meetings took place as well.
I know that the rules are discussed quite often when I play...not saying that they're always adhered to, but they are discussed.
I do like the typo in the article: What many people don't remember is that Wie was going to be confronted by one of her playing partners for her father, B.J. Wie, offering stragegy advice, had the round ended. When Wie withdrew, it was a moot point..
Even I was unaware of the rule against receiving stragegy advice from one's father.