The Tormentor: Does every major sports city have another city that exists simply to torment them?
posted by TheQatarian to general at 10:24 PM - 4 comments
It's probably fair to add Buffalo to Minnesota on the list of Dallas victims, at least in the 90s. Back-to-back Super Bowl defeats and then Hull's Stanley Cup winning goal in triple-OT in 99.
Very interesting column, Qatarian. Thanks!
posted by Ufez Jones at 11:42 PM on October 06, 2009
The way Pittsburgh frequently takes seven games to knock the Washington Capitals out of the playoffs is both predictable and humiliating. The Caps get you to care with their persistence and then even though you know what''s gonna happen, the inevitable OT loss rakes the legs right out from under you.
I blame the Redskins, though; with a name like that every team in the area might as well be playing on an ancient burial mound with human bones for sticks and a Piscataway chert for a puck. Talk about a Curse.
posted by Hugh Janus at 09:46 AM on October 07, 2009
Giants and Dodgers- San Francisco and Los Angeles
posted by irunfromclones at 05:26 PM on October 07, 2009
My apologies if I'm breaking any rules by posting a column I just wrote. The last column I wrote never got posted, and it kinda lost relevance. This one is sort of a redo of one I wrote in 2006, but with more details and stuff.