Need Revenue? Sell Beer.: Memphis may have lost its football opener to Mississippi, but the city won big thanks to huge beer sales.
Sometimes one has to top the tank off, and the traveller bottle is back in the car.
posted by bluemagpie at 11:16 PM on September 09, 2009
Odd, I don't recall ever going to a college football gave where alcohol wasn't present. Oh, sure, we brought it in via flasks in our socks, purses with fake bottoms, and even fake binoculars, but it was present. The point is, people are going to drink, so why not profit from it?
The Metrodome always had beer sales for Gopher games, the new TCF Bank stadium does not...small price to pay for getting out of that dome. Now, where'd I put that flask?
posted by dviking at 11:32 PM on September 09, 2009
They took in 40% of their projected season revenue in one game. Two home games from now, at the start of the second half, they'll be playing with house money.
If I go see a game in Papa John's Stadium, can I get a pitcher or two to go with a large "The Works" - hold the anchovies?
If I go to a USC home game, can I get a Trojan Foam Grande or Vente?
If I travel down to Columbia, is Coach Spurrier's employer going to let me buy a few thimble fulls of Old Gamecock on the rocks?
In South Bend, is there really a statue named Touchdown Dos Equis?
posted by beaverboard at 09:11 AM on September 10, 2009
BB, why the hell would you hold the anchovies?
Funny -- the NCAA has an issue with beer being sold at games, but not with raking in the dough from Bud Light Fan Cans. Are there bigger hypocrites in the world?
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:43 AM on September 10, 2009
BB, why the hell would you hold the anchovies?
I have a good answer to that question, but it is borrowed directly from the late Rudy Ray Moore, and I think it would get pulled if I posted it on SpoFi.
However, I will say that it's not my fault that a major fast food empire chose to name one of it products Filet-O-Fish, and that if some people mispronounce that product name at the order window, whether by mistake or on purpose, that is something that just can't be helped.
posted by beaverboard at 12:07 PM on September 10, 2009
Funny -- the NCAA has an issue with beer being sold at games, but not with raking in the dough from Bud Light Fan Cans. Are there bigger hypocrites in the world?
Is the NCAA actually receiving any revenues from this? From the articles I read, this is purely an A-B play, without sanction from the schools or NCAA. This article suggests that the NCAA has actually protested this product campaign, although I am not sure they can do anything about it because licensing would likely be on a school-by-school basis.
posted by holden at 12:25 PM on September 10, 2009
I have a good answer to that question, but it is borrowed directly from the late Rudy Ray Moore, and I think it would get pulled if I posted it on SpoFi
Is that why your name is beaver?
posted by BornIcon at 02:29 PM on September 10, 2009
All I can say is that I grew up watching (Canadian) football games at Commonwealth Stadium before there were beer sales at the venue. In that time, I saw the real effects of the boot mickey and they weren't always pretty.
Not only are beer/liquor sales at a venue a good source of revenue, they are also part and parcel with crowd control/security measures, which is really what fascinates me.
posted by Spitztengle at 04:30 PM on September 10, 2009
I'm lucky enough to have attended a few NCAA football games at Mizzou. At none of them was I of legal age to buy alcohol. At all of them, I was drunk. Isn't that what tailgating is for?