Why the Cal Ripken of Sports Radio Callers Broke His Streak: It isn't every day that a caller to a sports talk radio station rates a feature story in the New York Times. But New York Mets fan Short Al from Brooklyn -- also known as Albert Kaufman, 81 -- called WFAN in the predawn hours regularly from 1987. Last year the calls stopped. The reason? "He can't call anymore," said WFAN host Moose Malusis. "His daughter won't let him."
Absolutely GREAT. Need to read more stories like this.
posted by ic23b at 02:18 AM on July 05, 2009
Daughter needs to get a new 'phone, some cotton to stuff in her ears, and a new attitude. She's depriving an old man of one of his true pleasures, and a city of fans from hearing from one of their favorites. Why can't us senior citizens (old farts to you kids getting too close to my lawn) just have fun in our sunset years? It just ain't fair.
posted by Howard_T at 03:09 PM on July 05, 2009
Beautiful ... I remember Doris from Rego Park; she was a classic.