I want to puchus a crossbow: I mean, Stanley Cup Pickem Final Standings. And for the record, Gary Bettman Still sucks...
Need I remind everyone that I picked Pittsburgh in 7 prior to the conference finals?
(It's every other pick that I screwed up)
posted by BoKnows at 10:26 AM on June 13, 2009
Good going, NoMich. If my Bruins hadn't spit the bit against Carolina, I might have gotten past you, but no matter. Thanks for putting this together MeatSaber. It's always fun to take part.
posted by Howard_T at 01:55 PM on June 13, 2009
No prob. This let me shake some of my Excel rust off. I've now got a ready-made spreadsheet for next year... =D
posted by MeatSaber at 05:02 PM on June 13, 2009
Thanks for doing this Meat. I'll have to clear some space for my latest Costanza !
posted by tommybiden at 05:19 PM on June 13, 2009
Me am grand champeen. Me thank MeatSabre for inventing hockey.
posted by NoMich at 03:47 PM on June 14, 2009
Me thank MeatSabre for inventing hockey
Since I invented hockey, can I revoke Bettman's ability to cock up my invention? =D
posted by MeatSaber at 08:11 PM on June 15, 2009
Had to post this somewhere: Shaq brought a visual aid to Cleveland to remind Danny Ferry of their past acquaintance.
posted by rcade at 06:09 PM on July 02, 2009
Here's the final standings...
1) NoMich - 27 pts (sweep of the Finals, BTW)
2) Howard_T and garfield - 26 pts (shoulda got those picks in sooner, garf ;) )
3) MrFrisby and MeatSaber - 23 pts (shutout in the Finals for me)
4) holden - 22 pts
5) BoKnows and Ying Yang Mafia - 20 pts (aside to YYM, fuck Crosby)
6) tommytrump - 10 pts (NOW you decide to pick the right team??????????)
Anyway, congrats NoMich, you gotta feel better about it than I do... =D