NEW NHL Confidence Pool!!: Here is the completed table now showing results. All picks were taken from original home page in other thread. If you see any errors, please let me know. (I know the date of the most recent game entered is wrong, but after redo-ing all the picks and entering all the games complete, I wasn't going to refer back to actual dates of games)
Picks were taken from this chart.
posted by BoKnows at 07:09 PM on April 23, 2009
By the way, it is 2 points for a win, so for ex: If you pick San Jose as 16, and they win a game, you will show 32 points. Why I did it that way, I have know idea, probably just overlooked the default setting.
posted by BoKnows at 10:05 PM on April 23, 2009
And owlhouse, with that Montreal pick, I mean, are you on the other side of the world or something?
I have a soft spot for the Habs.
Apparently a very soft one, located in the middle of my head.
posted by owlhouse at 03:25 AM on April 24, 2009
Thanks BK. More misery for my Sharkies though!!
posted by billsaysthis at 12:39 PM on April 24, 2009
Nevermind - comment deleted.
posted by BoKnows at 10:36 PM on April 24, 2009
Yeah, bill, I placed my eggs in the San Jose basket again this year. Probably do it again next year, too.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:13 AM on April 28, 2009
Glad to see the MeatSaber curse is still in full effect. Bad news for Devils fans out there...
posted by MeatSaber at 09:59 AM on April 28, 2009
Curse? Ha! I laugh in the face of your curse.
/50 points behind and still counting.
posted by owlhouse at 05:04 PM on April 28, 2009
Didn't necessarily mean my standings (though they are usually adversely affected by the curse), just that whenever I pick a team to win, they usually go out early...especially when I'm just with that choice over the course of the playoffs...
posted by MeatSaber at 08:31 PM on April 28, 2009
Thanks, BoKnows.
I have absolutely no allegiances in these playoffs, so here's hoping for something young and exciting in the inevitable Chicago-Washington final.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 08:56 AM on April 29, 2009
Wait - Washington has a hockey team?
Now you tell me.
posted by owlhouse at 08:47 AM on April 30, 2009
Yes, the Snow Bunnies. They play out of Kennewick, WA.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:56 PM on April 30, 2009
I took a screenshot of the standings cuz I doubt they are going to last.
Go Snow Bunnies!
posted by rumple at 12:03 AM on May 01, 2009
I am going to be out of touch for the next couple of weeks. But you can forward my Costanza anytime you like.
posted by owlhouse at 01:50 AM on May 06, 2009
So what are some thoughts on the NHL's Intent to Blow rule? That cost the Wings pretty bad two nights ago.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 09:43 AM on May 07, 2009
YYM, you mean, like the "too many men on the ice" penalty that gave the Red Wings game 4 against CBJ? Wow - that grape was so sour, even I couldn't swallow it, sorry ... I can understand the intent of the rule - can you imagine if a batter in baseball got awarded a walk because the ump had to sneeze when he tried to call strike 3 after a full count? But in practice, it does seem pretty shady. Like the "no high-fiving" going on in another discussion in here - it seems like an awkwardly-written rule. But, since it went against the Wings ... that's a freakin' awesome rule ...
posted by littleLebowski at 01:34 PM on May 07, 2009
Man, I'm about to burst! Gotta wait for that fourth win though. If it comes.
posted by NoMich at 11:20 PM on May 08, 2009
Kinda like littleDude, I'm not heartbroken that the call went against the Wings, but, damn, that was brutal. I understand the "intent to blow" rule, it does make sense; it's just that the intent to blow was formed pretty damn quickly, wasn't it?
posted by tahoemoj at 06:09 PM on May 09, 2009
I'm just now calm enough to talk about the "non-goal" call by the "referee" in game 3 of the Wings/Ducks. I saw that puck from my living room, how could a guy that gets paid to make those calls not? Add that to the "interference" call on Stuart that same game, and that guy shouldn't be allowed to call for pizza from now on. Just glad the Wings can still win games despite the officials...
posted by MeatSaber at 01:39 AM on May 11, 2009
The Cardiac Canes strike again!
posted by NoMich at 11:41 PM on May 14, 2009
Urf. Canuckleheads. Damn Bruins. etc.
Very impressive playoff team, those Canes: on paper they shouldn't be doing what they do, but they keep doing it.
posted by rumple at 02:36 AM on May 15, 2009
Hurricanes = the AntiSharks.
Mediocre regular season followed by gritty, never say die attitude in the playoffs. You paying attention, Doug Wilson/Todd McClellan?
posted by tahoemoj at 04:23 PM on May 18, 2009
And owlhouse, with that Montreal pick, I mean, are you on the other side of the world or something?