Why do you support who you do?: Interesting discussion going on in an Ask MetaFilter thread.
posted by scully to navel gazing at 04:37 PM - 10 comments
Brewers/Bucks/Packers* - Geography, I like the teams I live by because that's who everyone is talking about and sports fandom is more fun when other people are excited with you.
Twins/T-wolves - I went to school in the Twin Cities and watched alot of their games and became a fan. These allegiences are fading since all the players I watched and loved(KG, Ortiz, Hunter, Santana) are all gone now. I never could figure out how to like the Vikings though.
Broncos - Elway.
My allegiances seem softer than most sports fans I know. I don't live and die with a team anymore. I feel a little sheepish about it sometimes, like I should care more, but I don't.
* My Packer fandom went into hibernation around the time of Superbowl XXXII.
posted by tron7 at 01:33 PM on August 22, 2008
I'm strictly a "homer". I support Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, and (reluctantly) Bruins. In college football, it's Penn State because that's where my son is going. Other than that, I support my alma mater, Northeastern, and if any of the local schools get into regional or national playoffs, I'll pay attention to them. I'm Boston-born, and except for my years overseas and traveling around the "States, I've lived in New England. There's something in the water around here that makes this happen.
posted by Howard_T at 03:22 PM on August 22, 2008
Baseball: I was born in Louisiana and grew up in a home where my father (born and raised abroad but a Louisianian) was more a fan of the game than a fan of a team, so I became the same. I spent my formative years (mid-primary school through high school) in Michigan, and enjoyed the Tigers but was never a huge fan. When I met and later married a gal from St. Louis and ended up attending 8-10 Cardinals games a year, I became a Cardinals fan. It's a hard franchise not to like -- great history, great fans, a great run of success in the years I've known my wife (1995 to present), and a chance to regularly see one of the greatest right handed hitters of all time ply his trade.
College Sports: Both my folks went to LSU and now live a mile or so from the campus and have football tickets. I went to a D-III school for college and a I-AA school for grad school, so it's kind of an easy choice.
Football/Soccer: When I was a student in London on a semester abroad in 1996, I found an old Holsten-sponsor Spurs shirt at a thrift shop. So I became a Spurs fan. I always liked Teddy Sheringham as well and, while he was just past his prime at that time, he was still a productive and entertaining player.
Football: Saints just because of the Louisiana connection, but this was a very difficult team to follow in my youth in Michigan because they were never on TV. During that time I was probably more of a Cowboys fan from having spent a few years living in Dallas before the move to Michigan.
Hockey: Wings from my youth in Michigan. I was not saddled with baggage of a prior hockey affiliation, with my family being from the (pre-NHL expansion) south. Perhaps could be viewed as a bit of a bandwagon-jumping type of thing, but I got in to them when they were coming out of the dark days of the 80s and just starting the ascent to being a dominant team.
posted by holden at 03:48 PM on August 22, 2008
Like Howard I am almost entirely a homer. I am a big fan of the Pistons, Lions, Tigers, and Red Wings. I don't live or die with any of them as much as I do with Michigan football, and I have had many a saturday ruined by a poor performance from the Wolverines.
However, I also have fringe allegiances, teams that I tend to root for for no apparent reason. I am a fan of the 49ers and Titans in the NFL and the Braves in the MLB, for no particular reason.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:25 PM on August 22, 2008
Growing up on a farm in Central Kansas, you don't have a lot of choices. I spent a lot of time listening to the Royals at night, with me, my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all in the same room. Great-grandad loved Amos Otis and Cookie Rojas. I never appreciated those evenings enough at the time, but now they are some of my favorite memories.
College-wise, it's an easy guess, considering my screen name and the fact that I now live in Lawrence. Jayhawks, baby. I fear that this year being a Jayhawk will pale in comparison to last season (how could it not?) I also pay attention to LSU, since I spent a lot of time in S.E. Louisiana for work in the past.
Love the Chiefs, too, even though it looks like they might rival the Dolphins in suckitude this season. Go away Carl Peterson!
posted by hawkguy at 11:07 AM on August 23, 2008
I am a Steeler fan (rather than a Browns fan) because I labored for 24yrs in a steel mill here in beautiful Canton, Ohio. Before that, I was a Raiders fan because I liked their "just win, baby" attitude and how they would take players off the scrap heap and go to the Super Bowl with them. (a long time ago, I know) But I will watch any teams play and love to talk football.
I casually follow the Indians and the Cavs because they are the "local" teams.
In hockey it is the New Jersey Devils because I am a BIG fan of Martin Brodeur. That will probably change when he retires.
College is Mount Union even thought they are a small school. I grew up around the Alliance, Ohio area and my sis-in-law and neice are alumi.
I followed NASCAR til R.J. Reynolds pulled out and they started futzing with the rules. Now I just glance at the standings once in a while.
posted by steelergirl at 11:47 AM on August 24, 2008
Cardinals, Blues, Rams/Cardinals - strictly geography.
posted by BoKnows at 01:46 PM on August 24, 2008
Total homer - Wings, Pistons, Tigers, Wolverines, all from childhood. I've given up on the Lions pending new management and/or ownership, so I'm not really an NFL fan right now. Like steelergirl, I was a big NASCAR fan, until the Bettman-esque stupidity of late, but I never was a big fan of one driver or team...
Outside those teams, I've found myself following individuals rather than teams. When I was growing up, I had deep hatred for anyone that played for my teams' rivals, so I didn't pay attention to the careers of the likes of Jordan, Payton, Roenick, Bird, Magic, or even Favre as much as I could, and I don't want to miss the best parts of the new guys' highlights...
posted by MeatSaber at 11:09 PM on August 25, 2008
I am a quasi-homer. In baseball I like the Yankees and in basketball I love the Knicks. I am new to the football and since I bartend every sunday I am forced to watch the games. Since I have to be emotionally involved to dig sports I have to have a team. From this point forward I will be a San Diego Chargers fan. When it comes to hockey I am a die-hard Philadelphia Flyers fan. I chose the Fly guys because of their reputation of being a rough and tumble team. Plus orange is my favorite color.
posted by HATER 187 at 12:28 AM on August 28, 2008
Quite an interesting thread. I'm a bit of an oddball on this one. My sports allegiances lie purely by chance. All of them correlate to who was good or who I had the opportunity to see growing up. I saw them good, and stuck to them.
In the case of the St. Louis Cardinals, they're the one team geographically close to me (ish, I'm from Iowa). My parents took me on a trip to both Wrigley Field (Twins @ Cubs) and Busch Stadium (Cubs @ Cardinals) in the summer of 1999. I saw both Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa in their primes (back before steroids were a big thing)... and McGwire chanced to play better than Sosa. I liked McGwire, so I liked the Cardinals, and I've stuck to it. The family thing, didn't work, although my father tried to get me to become a Yankees fan. All that did is make me like the Red Sox. And as I said, I'm from the middle of Iowa. No professional sports teams particularly close, unless you coulnt single-A baseball.
The Baltimore Ravens. I started watching football in 2000. The year the Ravens won the Super Bowl. I liked it, so I stuck to them, and I've been with it ever since.
The Tampa Bay Lightning. Same deal, started watching hockey in 2004, when they won the Stanley Cup. Stuck with it.
yeah, like I said, a bit different than most.