August 14, 2007

CFL Pick 'Em, Week 8: Nails, margins, dropped game-winning passes, spreads of eleven. It's the "mid"-season bye week coming up, so make half your usual picks inside.

posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 04:47 PM - 14 comments

That went about as expected. Montreal looked more like their old selves against Calgary, and Toronto continued its offensive implosion. We had some nice games out west, though. Winnipeg hands B.C. its second straight home loss, and Edmonton escapes with a win over the butterfingered Ti-Cats.

ResultMontreal by 12Saskatchewan by 11Winnipeg by 1Edmonton by 2
Margin of Error8 to 168 to 141 to 11 to 3
Spitztengle follows through with a seven-point week, including a nailing of the Montreal game, to tie for second place. But MrFrisby counters with a five-point week and a nailing of his own to keep the margin at a solid four points.
SpoFiteCGY @ MTLSSSK @ TORSWPG @ BCSHAM @ EDMSPointsTotal Points
MrFrisbyMontreal Saskatchewan Edmonton2527
DrJohnEvansMontreal Saskatchewan Winnipeg 323
SpitztengleMontreal12Saskatchewan Winnipeg Edmonton3723
owlhouseMontreal9Saskatchewan Edmonton 422
Ying Yang Mafia Edmonton 120
gspmMontreal Saskatchewan14 Edmonton 418
apoch 12Saskatchewan Winnipeg 316
The_Black_HandMontreal Saskatchewan 214
It's the first of two consecutive bye weeks for half the league, so make your picks count. On the plus side, TBH doesn't have to worry about Thursday night ball for a whole nother two weeks. WEEK 8 B.C. @ Calgary (Friday, August 17) Compelling if not entertaining: both teams have played some pretty ugly ball this year, and neither team is particularly hot right now. B.C. looks to stop the slide, while Calgary looks for any sort of consistency. Edmonton @ Saskatchewan (Saturday, August 18) Saskatchewan returns home after convincing road wins over B.C. and Toronto. Edmonton, barely getting the win at home over Hamilton last week, is going to be in tough. Good luck!

posted by DrJohnEvans at 04:48 PM on August 14, 2007

Calgary by 8 (the Stamps are not a "light" workout, so no Dickenson) Saskatchewan by 14

posted by DrJohnEvans at 04:49 PM on August 14, 2007

There are some lions in Cowtown on Friday ... and they're lookin' for some easy meat! Oh, sure ... they'll put up a fight, but in the end, the Lions will sleep well that night! BC by 11. Saturday night's the night I like, Saturday night's alright. But Saturday is not gonna be the night for Edmonton. Oh no, not this Saturday anyway. Look for the Riders to put the women and children to bed and go lookin' for dinner on Saturday ... Samsquanch by 20. The other four teams will be lickin' their wounds and we should see some good stuff next week in the east.

posted by Spitztengle at 05:06 PM on August 14, 2007

Calgary by 14 Edmonton by 21

posted by apoch at 06:29 PM on August 14, 2007

BC by 8 Saskatch by 17

posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:37 PM on August 14, 2007

*Humourous anecdote Part 1*Calgary by 9.*Humourous anecdote Part 2* Saskatchewan by 11.*Punchline*

posted by owlhouse at 08:32 PM on August 14, 2007

Your choices bode well for you young Ying Yang, for they are the opposite of mine.

posted by apoch at 05:05 AM on August 15, 2007

B.C. by 6 Saskatchewan by 27

posted by MrFrisby at 10:26 AM on August 15, 2007

Apparently Global showed "the grope" by Pilon on Gass on TV. Has anyone seen this clip? Does anyone know where it "might" be? I've surfed YouTube a few times and found nothing. It'd be a great visual for the classroom (yes, I do teach sport ethics ... don't get any funny ideas).

posted by Spitztengle at 01:26 PM on August 15, 2007

Slow-motion or real-time? Neither are great angles, but they're all I could find.

posted by DrJohnEvans at 01:54 PM on August 15, 2007

Thanks, DJE ... guess I didn't quite look hard enough. I suppose it would be hard to determine whether or not there was an actual "grab" if that's the best video out there. Nonetheless, there was definitely a shot aimed to that region in the first place. This still has got some of the CFL forums (esp. the Esksfans) fired up.

posted by Spitztengle at 05:13 PM on August 15, 2007

Calgary 8 Sask by 12

posted by gspm at 12:04 PM on August 16, 2007

Calgy by 6 Sassy by 10

posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:10 AM on August 17, 2007

I don't know who else actually wagers on these games, but SportSelect has the Lions favored by 1.5 and the Riders by 7.5.

posted by Spitztengle at 11:44 AM on August 17, 2007

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