A newspaper columnist in Jacksonville has an interesting theory about Tom Coughlin's firing from the Jaguars -- he didn't realize that the NFL is show business. "Coughlin, whose public persona was angry, authoritarian and humorless, never seemed to get that he was an entertainer as well as a football coach," writes Charlie Patton.
Could someone tell me who the entertaining coaches are in the NFL? I'm having trouble thinking of even one. Spurrier looked like he was going to be amusing, but he just seems depressed now. Sure Coughlin's no master of mirth like Dick Jauron or a laugh riot like Bill Belichek, but he definitely has the funniest tirades. No doubt, the football is boring, but here's a short list of the non-boring teams. Oakland, Kansas City, and the NY Jets. I'm not a Jags fan, but previous to this article, I thought Jacksonville never quite recovered from all that salary cap trouble they got themselves in a few years ago and struggled to replace a defense full of very rich very old underachievers. Well, maybe Weaver can hire Jimmy Kimmel to coach this team (that would mercifully get him off my TV) and then we can really rachet up the excitement with a Fun n Gun offense centering around Mark Brunell, Kyle Brady and Stacey Mack.
posted by pastepotpete at 08:30 AM on January 03, 2003
Apparently Charlie Patton never watched Coughlin on the sideline during a game....much entertainment. But I digress... Yes, Coughlin came off as a surly control freak on his public face. But, look who he learned from. Remember, he did coach, and learn much of his style, under Bill Parcells. Coughlin is essentially Parcells without the constant wisecracks. Now, if Coughlin goes to Cincinnatti (per rumors), I'd be very interested in seeing if he can turn that club around. The man is a good coach. He just wore out the welcome in Jacksonville. As a Jags fan, I am very anxious to see who the club hires as a replacement. I only hope it's as a good a coach as Coughlin was.