January 26, 2007

2007 bloggies: Sportsfilter shut out. On the bright side we did outlast imposter sportsfilter.

posted by justgary to navel gazing at 12:46 PM - 18 comments

Who is this imposter Sportsfilter? Do we have to exact some Punch to the Crotch with Awesomeness justice on this fool?

posted by jerseygirl at 01:13 PM on January 26, 2007

Dammit to hell, how did we miss out on best blog in the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered community?! A fucking outrage, I say.

posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:14 PM on January 26, 2007

I find the Bloggies sort of a farce. Also, I hate Perez Hilton. Not that it's here nor there, I just needed to say that.

posted by jerseygirl at 01:16 PM on January 26, 2007

Who is this imposter Sportsfilter? The locker room thread is gone for now, but here's the ask metafilter thread. It never caught on and there was a goodbye post for a while when msn decided to close shop, but even that's gone now. The other awards have more specific categories. Blog, group blog, community blog, etc. All sports blogs are lumped together. We're a community blog and different than any of the finalists (sportsfrog has a community, but on the side of the main site). This is the first year they've even had a sports category, so I guess it's a start. Like Brady getting over a playoff loss with a walk of shame, we'll be ok.

posted by justgary at 01:43 PM on January 26, 2007

Do we have to exact some Punch to the Crotch with Awesomeness justice on this fool? DUDE! "Punch to the Crotch with AWESOMENESS" is � 2007 lilnemo. Aw fuck it, I'm a dork of the people. CROTCHPUNCH for everyone!

posted by lilnemo at 02:26 PM on January 26, 2007

Hey! We were making fun of Joe Morgan and getting visited by bereaved family members way before Deadspin ever made fun of Stephen A. Smith or got visited by Barbaro well-wishers/shut-ins/fanfic/slash/letter-writers. How was SpoFi not even nominated? This is a travishamockery!! WHO SHAT THE BED ON THIS ONE?! WE WUZ ROBBED!

posted by lilnemo at 02:30 PM on January 26, 2007

CROTCHPUNCH for everyone! I'm going to spike the crotchpunch.

posted by SummersEve at 03:03 PM on January 26, 2007

So, is there a ceremony, like the Oscars? Could we show up and get drunk and disorderly and bum-rush whatever suckass so-called sports blog gets the award?

posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:14 PM on January 26, 2007

MY EYES!!!! THEY BUUUURRRRRNNNNNNN!!!! After looking at that bloggies site, we know they'll never win a Web design award.

posted by NoMich at 03:14 PM on January 26, 2007

Meh. Fuck 'em. Or crotchpunch with spikes. Whatever floats your boat. I wouldn't want to win anyway. The sheer number of potential wank-noobs that might show up because of such a ludicrous thing is enough to make me hope we stay UG.

posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:26 PM on January 26, 2007

I would like to know why we are giving the smallest modicum of consideration to a pool of nominators that thinks Cute Overload is one of the five best American blogs. Puppies and emoticons. My pancreas is going into shock.

posted by BullpenPro at 04:26 PM on January 26, 2007

Not only were we shut out, but I headbutted Deadspin and was tossed from the game. I couldn't bear to look at the trophy on my way out.

posted by rcade at 04:52 PM on January 26, 2007

You didn't see how many times Perez Hilton was nominated, huh BPP? If you want to be enraged, check that shit out. He forcibly outs celebrities who were in the closet (and gets nominated for Best GLBT!), and draws splooge marks and cocaine trails on celebrity faces. At least kittens are cute and puppies are rascally.

posted by jerseygirl at 05:10 PM on January 26, 2007

Also, I hate Perez Hilton. Not that it's here nor there, I just needed to say that. -- jerseygirl I'm glad you cleared that up. I guess it hinges on whether you're mean or not.

posted by cl at 05:13 PM on January 26, 2007

He forcibly outs celebrities who were in the closet... Not cool. ...and draws splooge marks and cocaine trails on celebrity faces. Quite funny.

posted by cl at 05:15 PM on January 26, 2007

I'm glad you cleared that up. I guess it hinges on whether you're mean or not. not from New Jersey. Going to put that in my profile. Not cool outweighs the quite funny.

posted by jerseygirl at 05:24 PM on January 26, 2007

I would say, not cool, not funny, and since you pointed me in that direction and I now have gotten some of that on me, you can expect a dry cleaning bill. And maybe a letter from my lawyer about those emotional damages.

posted by BullpenPro at 05:48 PM on January 26, 2007

Could we show up and get drunk and disorderly and bum-rush whatever suckass so-called sports blog gets the award? "DeadSpin is great, but SpoFi is for the children!"

posted by rocketman at 09:08 AM on January 29, 2007

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