Ashes Fantasy Contest. Third Test results.: The real contest may be over, but ours just keeps on bringin' the love.
cabuki's moving up the ranks, eh? So does onaynellie pretty much have this wrapped up or do the top five or so still have a chance?
posted by apoch at 04:25 AM on December 18, 2006
I'm very impressed that I'm not in last place...then again, my standards are set pretty low.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:02 AM on December 18, 2006
wow..........I suck at this.......
posted by skydivedad at 06:48 AM on December 18, 2006
Damn. A non-mover. I think I'm headed downwards pretty soon once that dickhead Geraint Jones gets dropped.
posted by afx237vi at 08:25 AM on December 18, 2006
What the hell, sdd? You're stealing my Costanza.
posted by NoMich at 09:21 AM on December 18, 2006
After the first innings, I thought I was headed for the bottom of the standings. Fortunately, my guys found their form for the second innings and knocked in some runs. Not that I really know what in the hell I'm doing. ;)
posted by cabuki at 09:22 AM on December 18, 2006
So does onaynellie pretty much have this wrapped up or do the top five or so still have a chance onyanellie has Ponting, Warne, Pietersen and Flintoff. I have the same except with Hayden for Warne. So I'm hoping the corpulent scarecrow (copyright The Guardian) has a bad couple of Tests in Melbourne and Sydney, and also that Hayden starts giving an arse about what's left of his career. cabuki should be looking for Cook to keep scoring the runs and likewise Fat Buddha with Gilchrist.
posted by owlhouse at 02:09 PM on December 18, 2006
Full scorecard here. Current table, with total scores and change in position since last time: 1. onyanellie 1571 (-) 2. owlhouse 1466 (-) 3. Fat Buddha 1458 (-) 4. cabuki 1437 (+3) 5. Mr Bismarck 1393 (-) 6. The Black Hand 1339 (-) 7. Weedy McSmokey 1311 (+2) 8. gspm 1286 (-4) 9. Ying Yang Mafia 1233 (-1) 10. apoch 1225 (+1) 11. skydivemom 1181 (-1) 12. afx237vi 957 (-) 13. JJ 933 (+1) 14. No Mich 888 (+1) 15. skydivedad 876 (-2)