EPL Fanatsy Premier League final results. Belated congrats to Ardley Athletic.: Belated in the sense that it seems like he had this wrapped up long ago - on top since week 16 by a margin of over 70 pts since week 22.
# | Team | Manager | Gam | Tot | Chg |
1 | Ardley Athletic | Squealy Neily | 63 | 2191 | 0 |
2 | Wigan Dragons | worldcup 2002 | 81 | 2043 | 0 |
3 | Shoreditch United | skronk _ | 60 | 1928 | 0 |
4 | BillSaysThisScores!! | Bill Lazar | 62 | 1880 | 0 |
5 | Crap City United | g s p m | 63 | 1855 | 0 |
6 | Mossy Superathletic | Me Mossy | 51 | 1850 | 0 |
7 | Texas/NY Devils FC | Craig Hutcheson | 27 | 1790 | 0 |
8 | Sauril's WideBoys | Mark D | 43 | 1782 | 0 |
9 | Phatcat FC | garfield on catnip | 66 | 1781 | -1 |
10 | Cutters III | mbd1 mbd1 | 30 | 1767 | 0 |
11 | Phlan Phlingers | Fat Buddha | 53 | 1723 | 0 |
12 | Trox Untitled | Tim Truxell | 33 | 1689 | 0 |
13 | Bayern Mucus 03 | D Taupe | 34 | 1651 | +1 |
14 | En Fuego | etrader 9 | 23 | 1646 | -1 |
15 | Salmacis FC | Huw Morris | 29 | 1565 | 0 |
16 | Cool Springs United | John Hill | 30 | 1460 | +1 |
17 | Blammos! | Star Unsuitable | 28 | 1455 | -1 |
18 | Oklahoma Sexuals | Rogers Cadenhead | 61 | 1418 | +3 |
19 | Spacemen United | Jason Wilder | 7 | 1402 | -1 |
20 | The Wookies | Chris Riley | 14 | 1398 | -1 |
21 | orangemen | mark evans | 36 | 1387 | +1 |
22 | Deadly Calm | Big Calm | 13 | 1378 | -2 |
23 | MervHughesExperience | Pete W | 11 | 1063 | 0 |
posted by gspm at 01:06 PM on May 08, 2006
Cheers. It's been a great season. For me anyway.
posted by squealy at 01:41 PM on May 08, 2006
Expanded summary. Cause I know that the table would be too big to post here. And I also discovered that the next version of excel is coming out with some fancy cell color gradienting (ie conditional formatting that could render a background color for every cell that is related to its value). For now, a basic version as organized by team name.
posted by gspm at 02:18 PM on May 08, 2006
Congrats to Ardley Athletic. Can't wait to do it again next year.
posted by trox at 02:23 PM on May 08, 2006
So is this an end to a weekly locker room thread containing a subject that I still have not managed to understand?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:23 PM on May 08, 2006
Thanks for the great tabulations, gspm, and congratulations to StarFucker Squealy for the victory.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:59 PM on May 08, 2006
gspm, you definitely earned an award for your efforts beyond the actual game. Do we have a trophy for that? We should. So who is getting relegated?
posted by garfield at 03:21 PM on May 08, 2006
It wouldn't be an update unless there was some sort of bodge up on my part. Fanatsy league my butt (plus the end of that sentence in the intro bit seems quite wonky). YYM, last update until it restarts again in August (meaning, be on the lookout for a call to join in July). You can join, set your team, and forget it (understanding is optional). From the example of orangemen and MervHughesExperience (no transfers made all year) it is a viable strategy. For relegations - anybody that didn't come into the lockerroom to say hey. They wouldn't notice.
posted by gspm at 03:46 PM on May 08, 2006
From the example of orangemen and MervHughesExperience (no transfers made all year) it is a viable strategy. Maybe but I wouldn't say that that would be the strategy to take if I wanted to come even close to winning.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:50 PM on May 08, 2006
It's not the winning...he said covering up the NHL Confidence Pick 'Em with his other hand...
posted by owlhouse at 01:52 AM on May 09, 2006
Thanks for the tables and such, gspm. 'Til next season...
posted by skronk at 05:52 PM on May 09, 2006
Congratulations squealy. Thanks for the great tables gspm and to everyone for an enjoyable season.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 03:37 PM on May 11, 2006
Big up to the Bluenose.......the hegemony continues!
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:31 PM on May 15, 2006