EPL Fantasy Premier League: Week 35 and 36 Update. Those that noticed a week update was missing were pretty quiet about it. Those that didn't notice have probably abandoned the pool long ago. Those that don't care will be happy to note that the EPL season is 38 games long and this is one of the last few updates.
# | Team | Manager | Gam | Tot | Chg |
1 | Ardley Athletic | Squealy Neily | 45 | 2032 | 0 |
2 | Wigan Dragons | worldcup 2002 | 39 | 1867 | 0 |
3 | Shoreditch United | skronk _ | 57 | 1766 | 0 |
4 | Mossy Superathletic | Me Mossy | 30 | 1726 | 0 |
5 | Crap City United | g s p m | 43 | 1721 | 0 |
6 | BillSaysThisScores!! | Bill Lazar | 38 | 1720 | -1 |
7 | Texas/NY Devils FC | Craig Hutcheson | 37 | 1710 | 0 |
8 | Cutters III | mbd1 mbd1 | 26 | 1682 | 0 |
9 | Phatcat FC | garfield on catnip | 44 | 1677 | 0 |
10 | Sauril's WideBoys | Mark D | 25 | 1648 | 0 |
11 | Phlan Phlingers | Fat Buddha | 28 | 1624 | 0 |
12 | Trox Untitled | Tim Truxell | 35 | 1587 | +1 |
13 | En Fuego | etrader 9 | 26 | 1580 | -1 |
14 | Bayern Mucus 03 | D Taupe | 23 | 1560 | 0 |
15 | Salmacis FC | Huw Morris | 18 | 1485 | 0 |
16 | Cool Springs United | John Hill | 16 | 1405 | 0 |
17 | Blammos! | Star Unsuitable | 28 | 1370 | +1 |
18 | Spacemen United | Jason Wilder | 9 | 1362 | -1 |
19 | The Wookies | Chris Riley | 10 | 1317 | 0 |
20 | Deadly Calm | Big Calm | 12 | 1310 | 0 |
21 | orangemen | mark evans | 11 | 1304 | 0 |
22 | Oklahoma Sexuals | Rogers Cadenhead | 30 | 1295 | 0 |
23 | MervHughesExperience | Pete W | 5 | 1026 | 0 |
posted by gspm at 01:21 PM on April 27, 2006
And I'll be disappointed if somebody doesn't top garfield's week record of 98 points this week what with the bloated schedule.
posted by gspm at 01:22 PM on April 27, 2006
Great score for Shoreditch this week: 57 = 2,380th out of 807, 249. The coming gameweek will pose something of a conundrum for some players who will be forced to choose between a cheap double-gameweek player and one or more of their regular first teamers.
posted by squealy at 01:46 PM on April 27, 2006
shaddup you. you're like Celtic. clinching the title with weeks to go.
posted by gspm at 03:24 PM on April 27, 2006
You love me really.
posted by squealy at 06:21 PM on April 27, 2006
Champions League update? I think the game's over and I want everyone to know that I didn't finish in last place.
posted by owlhouse at 06:44 AM on April 28, 2006
CL update, one game left
# | Team | Manager | Mat | Tot |
1 | FC Crap City 04 | g s p m | 48 | 598 |
2 | Trox Untitled | Tim Truxell | 46 | 556 |
3 | BillSaysThisScores | Bill Lazar | 35 | 549 |
4 | Brunswick Valley | Bill Pennington | 51 | 543 |
5 | Blammos! | Jimmy Jam | 34 | 529 |
6 | D.G.UNITED | Ricardo Bracho | 51 | 517 |
7 | Slippin' Baller | Saad Quraishy | 0 | 252 |
8 | roe and chips | pete bowler | 0 | 248 |
9 | FC Markovitch | Mark Evans | 0 | 154 |
posted by gspm at 01:54 PM on April 28, 2006
There's still plenty of competition for the last two Champions League places, so to speak...
posted by skronk at 02:25 PM on April 28, 2006
Me mucho disappointo! Except that the last two nights I watched Liverpool beat Chelsea (FSC finally showed the match) and West Ham, so not too much. Game against the Hammers was a truly weird lineup--Traore in central defense and Kronkamp as a winger?--and completely useless as a preview of the finals. But fun for us.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:05 PM on April 28, 2006
I'm sorry, i've been in love for the past two weeks...what happened?!
posted by StarFucker at 08:12 PM on April 28, 2006
whoa - congrats. SF, who's the girl?
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:02 AM on April 29, 2006
HA! I work with her... We just started out, you know that period...
posted by StarFucker at 10:52 AM on April 30, 2006
Ah, yes, twu wuuuuv...
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:26 AM on April 30, 2006
Stay off the copy machine!
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 12:32 PM on April 30, 2006
I want pictures!
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:37 PM on April 30, 2006
As soon as i have some, why not?
posted by StarFucker at 07:11 PM on April 30, 2006
I want pictures! You haven't seen them?! They're already in his profile.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:14 PM on April 30, 2006
You know, i just looked at my profile and it says i posted 14 comments to the Locker Room?! Thats uh, how do you say...fuckered up.
posted by StarFucker at 09:51 PM on April 30, 2006
Back when SportsFilter was all messed up in Feburary they took a lot of locker room comments off this server setting everyone back to zero. I'm guessing when the update comes that will be fixed.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:24 AM on May 01, 2006
Nope SF, you really have only made 14 comments. This woman has messed up your head.
posted by gspm at 07:13 AM on May 01, 2006
She really has, actually...
posted by StarFucker at 06:58 PM on May 01, 2006