MLS Fantasy Update, 7/6/04: Rise of the Goddam: Still in third but getting closer, goddam rides a strong effort by LAs Chris Albright to get closer to Star Fucker's still-leading Blammos. However unless Jonny Walker stops being a sieve, she will be facing a challenge to get a higher spot.
posted by billsaysthis to fantasy at 09:33 PM - 17 comments
# | Team | Total | Last |
1 | Blammo! | 4950 | 35 |
2 | BillSaysThisSCORE!!! | 4890 | 165 |
3 | goddam maddogs | 4720 | 110 |
4 | spacemen | 4085 | 85 |
5 | Bosiak Bashers | 3755 | 70 |
6 | The Drifters | 3690 | 75 |
posted by billsaysthis at 09:35 PM on July 06, 2004
Why do they seem odd? I'm winning...everything is normal.
posted by StarFucker at 02:35 AM on July 07, 2004
Did you look at the points earned this past weekend? You only got 35 but I would have expected more, even if I can't be specific about where. And the way goddam is going lately, you will be in second place soon.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:27 AM on July 07, 2004
the 35 points is only from sunday's game. if you looked at the standings between saturday night and sunday night you'd see the points from saturday's games. they treat each day of games individually instead of an entire weekend. eskandarian is really where i've been picking up my points the past few weeks.
posted by goddam at 11:36 AM on July 07, 2004
and thanks to mr. quill i'm now only 55 out of first after last night.
posted by goddam at 11:07 AM on July 08, 2004
posted by StarFucker at 11:21 AM on July 08, 2004
Fuck Mr. Quill and the rest of the Dallas Burn. Stupid Quakes, how could Landon miss a PK in injury time to tie!!!!!! Last place, Jayzuz Fecking Hell!
posted by billsaysthis at 05:17 PM on July 08, 2004
don't worry bill, i'm sure jonny "the sieve" walker will let your guys get back in the W column on saturday.
posted by goddam at 05:25 PM on July 08, 2004
heh, bill, that was one hell of a game. you may want to tell your goalie to at least flinch a little bit and not just watch balls sail into the net. And you've got to admit that was one hell of a save by Cassat.
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:15 PM on July 08, 2004
I admit nothing Ufez since they didn't show the fucking game here. But goddam I will certainly be thrilled if your prediction comes true.
posted by billsaysthis at 08:52 PM on July 08, 2004
Jeez, I am barely hanging on to second, goddam. I traded Twellman for Fabian Taylor and Craig Waibel for Troy Dayak, who ought to be back from injury within the week if not Saturday.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:29 PM on July 08, 2004
Well, Billy-boy, as one of the apparent 3 people that watched the game (the other two being the folk I was watching it with) you'll just have to trust me on this one.
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:33 AM on July 09, 2004
Ufez, I think one his many gray hairs must have gotten in his eyes, distracting him. Hopefully they don't fuck the pooch against a similarly talented but lately pitiful MetroStars today, though with three guys gone for the US game who knows.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:52 AM on July 10, 2004
Well, so much for Johnny Walker being red or black this evening, the Quakes didn't get close to challenging him once. Guess we all saw why Jamil Walker barely gets on he field. Onstadt wasn't too bad, the PK was another bad call from the ref. Waibel is a waste of a playing spot.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:03 PM on July 10, 2004
I'm gonna need to change my strikers... I'm not getting any goals!
posted by StarFucker at 03:12 AM on July 11, 2004
woo hoo! tied for 1st. i better enjoy this while it lasts.
posted by goddam at 01:44 PM on July 11, 2004
goddam, 85 points from Walker sure helps, though I got the same for Hartman's shutout too! How Waibel earned 20 points is beyond me, he sucked ass yesterday but of course I switched him for Troy Dayak and Dayak didn't get in the game.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:12 PM on July 11, 2004