RSS feeds for Spofi and Locker Room?
I'm sure it's been addressed, but the Locker Room appears to have no search (let's throw that on the pile too). I'm supposed to actually visit web sites every day to see if they have updated? That's soooo 2001. posted by pivo to feature requests at 10:45 AM - 5 comments
[hyperbole] It took us about a year to get 10 posts in the Locker Room (vs the original five). So we've come a loooong way. [/hyperbole] But, definitely, we need a search for this area, too. Thanks for bringing this up. Oh, Pantheooooon ...
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:36 PM on January 30, 2004
no search but just check the feature requests category and you can skim back to some older requests. A quick look uncovers an RSS request from July. Or, as they might say in other spots, double post.
posted by gspm at 02:49 PM on January 30, 2004
posted by mkn at 08:33 PM on January 30, 2004
Well, the only reason people keep bringing it up is because it's still not available!
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:12 AM on February 01, 2004
SportsFilter offers an RSS feed (unpublicized because I haven't nagged one of the Pantheon members enough). I'm inching closer to the day in which this whole thing moves to PHP/MySQL, at which point there will be XML all over the place.