Lately, we've had a few self-links posted to the front page by new members. As the guidelines state, "You should not post a link on the front page to your own site or any other page you had a hand in creating." We're interpreting this broadly, so if it looks like you're posting something for a buddy, the link draws an immediate red card.
posted by rcade to editorial policy at 02:48 PM - 6 comments
Go get 'em Rogers!
posted by Samsonov14 at 04:08 PM on July 09, 2003
Hoooo! Smackdown! Yeah! This brings back fond memories. Sigh. Good times, good times.
posted by worldcup2002 at 07:27 PM on July 09, 2003
"SportsFilter is not a place to ask a question or merely state an opinion" YIPES! I constantly do that.
posted by garfield at 12:57 PM on July 10, 2003
Is there an equivalent of lofi where deleted posts go when they die? Sorry for the newbie question...
posted by jonson at 12:06 AM on July 11, 2003
As far as I remember, any "deleted" posts disappear off the front page, but are still there in the monthly archives.
posted by BigCalm at 07:02 AM on July 11, 2003
I'm not naming the culprits because our policy is to let SportsFilter's seven founders deal privately with etiquette problems involving specific members. If you see a link that looks fishy, please send an e-mail about it to admin at this domain.