What is the sportsfilter policy on cross posting? Between Sports and Meta? Between Sports and personal blogs? For instance, I put links up on rW to sportsfilter, but would it be bad if I double posted them?
posted by djacobs to editorial policy at 10:53 AM - 4 comments
I can see why SportsFilter and MetaFilter might seem like they are related. I guess the policy here is that anything can be posted here, regardless of whether it's been posted on MeFi. I think we might want to amend this policy a bit, as I'm sure that most of us here (at least for the time being) are posters on MetaFilter as well. If it's a huge sports issue (like the Canadian figure skaters) that HAS to be discussed, then post it. Otherwise, I feel like posting a FFP here that is already a FFP on MeFi should be avoided - for the same reason that people on MetaFilter avoid posting things that have been on The Onion, Fark, or even Obscure Store. We've probably seen it before. I hope that I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here, but I think that until this site takes off, we should try to post things that we can assume the rest of the members haven't seen yet. At this point, I'm assuming that everyone here has already seen (or will soon see) Metafilter.
posted by Samsonov14 at 08:03 PM on February 18, 2002
I don't think either site should worry in any way about what the other is doing. The last thing we need are cross-site etiquette discussions, which would of course begin with a debate over where the debate should take place.
posted by rcade at 10:18 PM on February 18, 2002
Samsonov - I agree that we should try and avoid posting things other members have already seen, unless you have a new spin on it. I know I'm an offender, but if called a moratorium on Duke, Kobe, Jordan, or so there'd be a lot less posts!
posted by djacobs at 09:08 AM on February 19, 2002
SportsFilter and MetaFilter are different, unrelated sites, so posting the same thing wouldn't be cross-posting. I don't see a problem with posting a link on your site and also posting it on SportsFilter (if that's what you mean by double-posting).