Athletes Jawing About Performance-Enhancing Mouthguard: Pure Power Edge is one of the more unusual strength boosters to be offered to pro athletes -- a $1,700 custom mouthguard. "The key to the PPE lies in neuromuscular dentistry and the belief that jaw alignment can have a major effect on the rest of the body," reports today's Florida Times-Union, "... by finding the ideal jaw position and locking it in place with a fitted mouthguard, strength is released to the rest of the body because the brain can focus more on core muscles."
Gives me hope for marketing my new innovation, which promotes core stability - it evens up the weight distribution on both sides of your body by removing all the cash from your pockets. It's simple, but very effective. For me. Cheap shot aside, this probably works a treat. There are so many little things that need to come together for a great performance - did you sleep funny on your neck? did you eat one spoonful too much of that granola? did you get a really annoying song in your head that you couldn't shift? - there must be vast markets waiting to be explored in which we turn the intangibles into tangibles and then charge a fortune for the fixes... That sounded like another cheap shot, but it wasn't meant to be.
posted by JJ at 02:51 AM on July 31, 2008
If it can ease my TMJ and keep my jaw from locking out of socket i'd love to have one. 'course the price will have to drop to around 17.00.
posted by Folkways at 08:31 AM on July 31, 2008
I'm sure they'll sell thousands. Everybody is looking for the tiniest edge, so even if it's just in their mind, they'll need to have it. Could be worse... it doesn't have harmful effects and the dentist gets another payment on his Porsche.