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Member since: February 15, 2006
Last visit: July 17, 2006

djchippy99 has posted 1 link and 7 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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posted by to at 01:00 PM on October 27, 2024 - comments

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Yankees Place Chacon on DL

Another injury to what should have been an amazing year for the Bronx Bombers...can the Yankees do anything right this year??? On most teams, and even with the Yankees some of the time, you see so many new faces, you'd tell one of them to break a leg, but with what's happening with the Yankees now, you tell any of the new faces to break a leg and that person whould actually break a leg!!! This year is still early and it sucks to be a Yankee fan already!!! What next??? As it is, Sheffield (15 day), Matsui (Out for the year), Crosby (15 day), Posada (Day by Day), Damon (Not on the DL but playing with a fractured bone in his foot), Pavano (15 day), Dotel (15 day rehabing from Tommy John), and Sturtze (Out for the Year) are injured...can the Yankees do anything right this year anymore??? And that doesn't even put in the factor of Randy Johnson not pitching right!!! For the Yankees it seems that there are two things that the Yankees play against this year, who ever it is that they are supposed to play, and the injury list. I HATE TO SAY THIS AS A DIE HARD YANKEE FAN BUT... "LETS GO METS"

posted by djchippy99 at 11:21 AM on May 23, 2006


WHY??? Sheffield is hurt, Matsui is possibly out for the season, and Damon is going to be playing with a banged up a shoulder, and the Big Unit got an MRI...WHY??? What did the Yankees do to earn this type of punishment from the baseball gods??? The only thing that could make this season even worse is if Jeter, A-Rod, Rivera or Giambi get hurt!!! It's bad enough that Tanyon Sturtze is playing awfully bad and that the Yankee pitching staff is not what was Matsui is probably out for the year...WHY??? This sucks!!! I ask the baseball gods, WHY??? What did the Yankees do to earn this??? And the Yanks can use Pavano as trade bait, but I see that the Yankees at least attempt to stay inside the family for now.

posted by djchippy99 at 01:04 PM on May 16, 2006

Matsui Breaks Wrist As Yanks Fall to Sox

WHY??? Sheffield is hurt, Matsui is possibly out for the season, and Damon is going to be playing with a banged up a shoulder, and the Big Unit got an MRI...WHY??? What did the Yankees do to earn this type of punishment from the baseball gods??? The only thing that could make this season even worse is if Jeter, A-Rod, Rivera or Giambi get hurt!!! It's bad enough that Tanyon Sturtze is playing awfully bad and that the Yankee pitching staff is not what was Matsui is probably out for the year...WHY??? This sucks!!! I ask the baseball gods, WHY??? What did the Yankees do to earn this???

posted by djchippy99 at 11:10 AM on May 12, 2006

1000 wins for Joe Torre

Torre has 1000 wins!!!!!! Not hard with Jeter there for his entire time working for the Yankees.

posted by djchippy99 at 04:16 PM on May 08, 2006

"Doc" Gooden back in jail,

Gooden in know he, Canseco and Straw should start a club..."The Boss tried to help me but I couldn't stay away from being a user club" Get Bonds on the Yankees for even a game and he can join the club also!!!

posted by djchippy99 at 02:50 PM on March 16, 2006

'I Won't Retire Until I've Tarnished Every Record In The Book'

Bonds is a disgrace to the game of baseball...why even talk about someone who has to be roided up and hits homeruns like crazy??? The single season homerun record should belong to Mark McGwire or maybe even Roger Marris since even with McGwire there are doubts about substances. And to settle Boone for everyone, he was quoted two days before he retires that "He is going to enjoy having to fight for second base and that it has renewed his interest in the game," and then just two days latter, "I really don't have my head in the game anymore and it doesn't have the same feeling..." What feeling??? The feeling of being on roids and able to hit hrs like it's nothing. Oh and everyone...Onion is not a real news site!!!

posted by djchippy99 at 09:04 AM on March 06, 2006

Who is the Yankees best lead-off hitter?

The line up is great, but even though Jeter prefers the 2 spot and Damon has openly stated he likes lead-off (remember all his interviews as soon as he signed!) the stats always are a big part of what Torre does. I'd have to say that it's going to be Jeter, Damon, A-Rod, Sheffield, Giambi, then flip Bernie and Matsui, Posada, Cano.

posted by djchippy99 at 11:54 AM on February 15, 2006