Name: | Dieter vonRabenstein |
Member since: | December 30, 2005 |
Last visit: | July 12, 2010 |
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He's a role model and not just for children - but for everyone who tries to be like him.....and believe me, there's a lot of golfers out there who want to be like Tiger - not just children. Aside from being a role model, he represents the PGA and the USGA as all professional golfers do and should act accordingly. Tim Finchem (the head of the PGA) should have a word with him, like Roger Goodell does to professional football players when they set a poor example. Though it's true that Tiger has done a great deal for the Tour, it doesn't give him carte blanche to act like a spoiled brat whenever he hits a poor shot. Again, he's not the only player to behave in such a manner, but he is the most visible and will probably one day be the greatest golfer ever. (until he surpasses Nicklaus in majors, he'll be 2nd best). With greatness come a responsibility to represent yourself and your sport with class and dignity regardless of whether or not you want to.
posted by DvonR at 12:34 PM on July 23, 2009
I think Rick Reilly is right on with that article....except Bobby Jones was never a professional. He was an amateur his whole career. For those of you who think that Tiger's tantrums don't disrespect the game or the players he's with, then you don't know the game. If you're playing with a club thrower or a constant screamer of profanity(or both), it's embarrassing to watch and be around. And as a role model, he owes it to those who try to emulate his every move to be a "gentleman" and take the bad with the good. There's not a professional golfer (or amateur) out there that doesn't get pissed off - but those who have a proper respect for the game, keep their anger to themselves. i.e Tom Watson. I don't care what "fire" Tiger has burning inside - he needs to get some control. As someone else pointed out, he's mastered everything else about the game, he should have enough discipline to control his on-course antics. Yes, Tommy "Thunder" Bolt was an angry man on the course, but he's not one of the all time greats. Reilly's not suggesting that Tiger's the only one who pounds clubs and cusses, he's just saying that Tiger's more visible than most and as such, he should be aware of that and act accordingly. And yes, the camera is on Tiger more than others, but if you follow Tiger at a tournament, he's always spitting, and cussing and pounding the ground with his clubs.....even if he's way out front. And for those of you who think Rick Reilly isn't a credible source, he's an avid golfer who follows the Tour and has been a sports writer for years. He's caddied a few times for pros during a tour event and knows his way around a golf course just fine. His observations and opinions are as valuable and credible as any sports writer out there.
posted by DvonR at 10:26 AM on July 23, 2009
I agree with Taylor's assertion that cool has died. There are very few "cool" athelets out there anymore. It's all about the money and the individual. Celebrating a 1st down catch is not cool - it's your job so catch the ball and get back to the huddle. Choreographed TD dances are definitely not cool. Barry Sander and Emmitt Smith were the epitomy of cool. After a TD run or catch, they'd simply hand the ball to the ref and move on. It was their job and they knew it. As someone else pointed out - "act like you've been there before". "Cool", is caring more about the team than yourself. In individual sports like golf or tennis - I think "cool" is the personal understanding of ones accomplishments without having to throw it everyones face. Bjorn Borg, Jack Nicklaus and Arnie Palmer come immediately to mind.
posted by DvonR at 09:02 AM on July 10, 2008
I love what he had to say about Belickick....although he is a great coach and I never count them out - despite their deficiencies. 'Ole Marty isn't known for his playoff winning record - because he doesn't have one - but I think this time he may just decide to call an aggressive game and take the Pats down. Let's see then if Belichick is gracious in defeat.
posted by DvonR at 10:00 AM on January 13, 2007
I think 50 million is an inflated figure. I doubt even with his appearance fees that he's made 50 million. I can believe he's lost pretty much all his money but I can't believe it's that much.
posted by DvonR at 03:37 PM on May 02, 2006
the article was posted on yahoo at 12:45 eastern time on friday. innamaze wrote his post 9:57 central time. cut him some slack.
posted by DvonR at 02:48 PM on January 06, 2006
Hey, we're talking about poker here - a game based on deceit anyway.
posted by DvonR at 12:42 PM on January 01, 2006
Jesse Jackson: Gilbert Thinks LeBron Was His Slave
A "slave master mentality"????? Please. Jesse Jackson always thinks it's about race. This has nothing to do with race, just the fact that Lebron happens to be black and Gilbert white. Every time there's a controvery between famous people, and one of them is black, either Jesse Jackson or the other idiot opens up their trap and screams racism. This is about an owner of a team being pissed that his star player, whom he coddled the entire time, left without the benefit of speaking to him first. That's it - nothing more. Was Gilbert over the top? Probably, but race was an issue in this case? Definitely not.