Member since: | April 15, 2005 |
Last visit: | May 29, 2008 |
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All this evidence of support for UCLA and USC football convinces me of NOTHING. Actually, it's evidence of the OPPOSITE...........that there are too many other things going on in Los Angeles for anyone to care about an NFL team.
posted by robslob at 02:31 PM on January 20, 2008
Anyone who thinks The Rams should move back to L.A. is offering up an ignorant opinion by one who never lived in Los Angeles during The Ram's last ten years there. I lived there up until I turned 30, only a few years before they left L.A. for St. Louis. Support? They had hardly any, even though they were the only NFL team in town. L.A. is not an NFL city; why do you think they have had no team for years? When you make the playoffs and the next year can only draw about 30,000 for your home opener, it's time to get out. L.A. folks are more concerned with their Mercedes, music and show business, The Dodgers and The Lakers. Football ain't glitzy enough for L.A.!!
posted by robslob at 08:50 AM on January 19, 2008
Lidocaine injections on the sidelines, while players huddle around to shield this from the fans. Yet they ban players from the league for marijuana use?? Tell me WHAT could be more hypocritical than THAT?
posted by robslob at 03:08 AM on November 20, 2007
The NFL is a TREMENDOUS public relations machine. After reading this, the sappy commercials they run during games showing NFL players doing charity work in their communities make me want to puke. In high school I was 6'4", 205 lbs and athletic, a basketball player. You think the football coaches didn't want me? One of them called me a pussy for not playing. I actually wanted to play, although basketball was my first love. My old man prevented me from playing football. For years I resented it. It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I recognized his wisdom, and sent him an article from the San Jose Mercury News. It was a feature on ex-49ers linebacker Gary Plummer, who has had 17 surgeries and sleeps in a recliner in the living room so as not to disturb his wife when he wakes up in pain at night. My Dad knew that the coaches were nothing but young, macho assholes who wanted to use me for their own gain, no different than the NFL does.
posted by robslob at 08:04 AM on November 19, 2007
I'm a Niners and a Jerry Rice fan, live in the Bay area. However I agree with some others here, he played a little too long. My only fear about this retirement thing is that once they sign him to the short contract, he'll insist on going out there!!!!!!!!!
posted by robslob at 12:35 PM on August 20, 2006
Thank you, familyman, couldn't have said it better myself. That's my question, entirely: Why is it always OK in any sport for the majority of the players (especially the NBA) to be black? Why is that never called racist hiring? Because no one ever questions that blacks make great professional athletes. So if the majority of good coaches happen to be white, why does that suddenly become racism?
posted by robslob at 08:00 AM on February 05, 2006
Agreed.........anyone experienced in both marijuana and alcohol use knows alcohol is the much more dangerous of the two.........yet the NFL is not testing for it. That means Moss, Williams et al could be downing a fifth of Jack Daniels every evening and continue to play.
posted by robslob at 09:02 AM on August 19, 2005
Randy, come down to San Jose and get a 32 oz bottle of "Strip" at a head shop called "Up in Smoke." Refrain from smoking 48 hours before your test (I personally doubled it to 96 hours). Drink "Strip" two hours before your test. I passed; so can you. And I think you can afford the $39.95 + tax a little better than I can. PS I would bet if you look "Strip" is available somewhere in Oakland, or at least Berkeley.
posted by robslob at 11:54 PM on August 18, 2005
Ricky Williams was fined and last year for marijuana use. Terrell Owens should be a fine example to the NFL of how pot may benefit a player...........this dude needs to mellow out!!
posted by robslob at 10:13 AM on August 11, 2005
I am resisting the temptation to do what often goes on here and make demeaning, often expletive remarks to other posters; that accomplishes nothing. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, SPORTS FANS. It has ALWAYS taken MORE than great players to win championships. Michael was a frustrated superstar before Phil. How many times did Kerr when a game with a three while Michael was double-teamed? Who put Kerr on the floor at the right time? And in shorter history, Kobe-Shaq were at WAR when Phil came aboard. Post Phil? THREE STRAIGHT TITLES. Yeah, obviously Phil needs players, which is what many of you are saying. HOW BRILLIANT OF YOU TO SEE THAT. WHAT I AM SAYING is that the players need the coach, EVERY BIT as much. If you can't see that, you're either too young to remember or too prejudiced against L.A. to say anything meaningful here.
posted by robslob at 12:01 PM on June 15, 2005
QUESTION: Dear sports fans, what do three of the greatest to ever step out on the court, Michael, Kobe and Shaq, all have in common? ANSWER: NO ZEN, NO RING.
posted by robslob at 04:11 PM on June 14, 2005
Questioning of Jackson's coaching ability???????? What???????? Oh ye of little more TV, more commercials, listen to the Zenmaster. Watch Zenmaster turn Lakers into a contender..............he's got Kobe. He won with Michael and an average center, Bill Cartwright et him come up with another Pippen to compliment Kobe. -Lakers fan since 1965 (I'm 50).
posted by robslob at 03:23 PM on June 14, 2005
Very classy post-game remarks by Shaq last night. I quote from my memory: "I talked to Mikan many times"......."A very classy person"......."I wouldn't be where I am without him"........"Have his family contact me, I'd like to pay for the funeral." RIGHT ON, SHAQUILLE!! How many NBA players are showing that kind of respect for the ones who started it all? Can't think of many.
posted by robslob at 08:03 AM on June 03, 2005
Very interesting, and thanks everyone for all the info on Abdul-Wahad. It sounds to me like Mark Cuban has a lot more money than basketball and/or business sense. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20 after someone has an MVP year. That said, Cuban must be weeping every night after how Nash trashed his team in the playoffs.
posted by robslob at 08:59 AM on May 28, 2005
Collins returns to Chicago:
I don't know what he's like as a coach, but he's about the most boring basketball announcer in history. WAY too serious, no sense of humor whatsoever. Maybe that's why Michael and Co. ran him out the first time around.