Name: | Janie Ginocchio |
Member since: | October 22, 2004 |
Last visit: | November 01, 2004 |
mannocchio has posted 0 links and 6 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I saw read that article too, Bernreuther, but I can't find it now. All of my friends pretty much agree with the assessment: La Russa's a master strategist, but he wigs out in situations like this and it wigs out the players. I think he's had teams in the series something like five times and has won only one? It can't be the players' fault entirely. I also think some of it had to do with the position the players found themselves in outside of the game itself: if you lose, you lose and if you win you lose because the rest of the world's rooting for the Sox. I don't know if I would've been able to deal with that and the normal pressure associated with playing in the WS.
posted by mannocchio at 01:32 PM on October 28, 2004
The win against the Yankees was historic, amazing, wonderful. This win was a rout. St. Louis didn't deserve to have history made in their stadium. That was totally uncalled for. Even though I'm a Cards fan, I'm happy for Boston (still wondering what happened to my team the last four games, but still happy). There is such as thing as being a good winner -- which most of the posters here are, but that one stuck in my craw.
posted by mannocchio at 07:35 AM on October 28, 2004
Getting into this kids head in game one should ruin him for the series. I dunno. He did really well in Game 6 of the NLCS after his meltdown in Game 4.
posted by mannocchio at 05:52 PM on October 24, 2004
I love me some Pujols, but Tony Womack has taken my respect for him to a new level. That guy is a trooper.
posted by mannocchio at 07:34 AM on October 22, 2004
Could it be any worse than how the other crew called the Cards/Astros games? If I heard them say Clemens was "47 years young" one more time I was going to vomit. And what was with all those loving shots of Beltran hitting home runs without giving Pujols equal time?
posted by mannocchio at 07:33 AM on October 22, 2004
Tony La Losa?
I also agree with the person in the other thread that said it looked like someone had replaced the Cards with another team.