Location: | Within eyesight of TEXAS STADIUM...the fabled home of my beloved DALLAS COWBOYS |
Gender: | MAN! I got the XY chromosomes, and the procreates to prove it! |
Social Media Account: | True Blue |
Member since: | February 21, 2006 |
Last visit: | August 01, 2007 |
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Thanks to Crash for the post. And I am NOT complaining....give praise to our hero's and all....BUT! The bat is right. These "BEST" lists. Always seem to disappoint. Seems like we see these things roll out almost every year 'round this time of the BBall season. They get soooo boring. Same old concepts; same old arguments. It' s kind of like watching a Kindergarten play...vaguely interesting, disappointing in general. We feign excitement...but we are really just being polite. (Much like being a Rangers fan!) Does anyone have a list we can get REALLY excited about? The 100 most deserving of rabid fandome? The 10 most notorious? The 10 sweatiest? The 10 best shoes? The top 10 dirtiest plays? The 100 sneakiest tricks? The 100 largest beer guts in sport?
posted by True Blue at 05:32 PM on July 06, 2007
Hah! Hah! Hah! Snort! Hahhhah! Haha!... I wondered what happened to the writers from Monty Python. Good to see they've all found a new venue....
posted by True Blue at 12:21 PM on May 31, 2007
HAH! Hah! Hah! Valdano cries "A shit on a stick" but gives us Poop on a page!! What he is really saying is that Benítez and Mourinho aren't managing their games the way Valdano wants them to.....shkriew that! Sure Chelsea and Liverpool play it up and down. Sure they do a lot of piss passing...but it works for them. Sure it's not as complete a game as DUTCH futball...but they play to their strength, as they should. Valdano makes it sound like they play robot futball all the time...but they don't. Both Chelsea and Liverpool gave us their fair share of highlight reels this season. Valdano is usually a good read...but in this particular article...he really needs to pull his head out of his attitude. And I have to agree with Joey Michaels
posted by True Blue at 05:07 PM on May 24, 2007
Thank you old man
posted by True Blue at 04:06 PM on May 10, 2007
Strange that no one took the bait...OK... So Weedy...why you gotta make it a black thing?
posted by True Blue at 03:52 PM on May 10, 2007
Hmmm...Devil Rays sign AAA blogger to 1 year deal...$535. Cool! But I wonder how the other Fan Free Agent deals are going down: MVP Heckler with Bullpen seats: $827, 3 year deal, with a $42 signing bonus AAA Swim suit model...$45, 1 year deal...random seat assignment. (But they are looking to fill their roster with at least 40)
posted by True Blue at 12:33 PM on March 08, 2007
Rcade...I see your point...if your point is that Tiger fans have a third choice...they can continue to love their team AND cry like little girls. Other than that... 1) I'm very sorry about your broken brain. 2) Did you just say that Detroit fans were meek? (how broken is your brain?) 3) I'd argue that the choice of HQ is financial 4) The name on the the stadium is only symbolic as an advertising icon...like that cute little Geico ghecko. 5) $3.5 MM!!! to relocate? To DFW? Hmmm...that's news to me. I just wish they had used the money on better fireworks at the stadium they lease to Ameriquest.
posted by True Blue at 02:44 PM on March 07, 2007
HOLY CRAP! "Buck Shelford stitching his nuts up so he could keep playing" How is it that we have to endure endless hours of ESPN debate over the impact of Terrell Owens finger...and there are guys out there right now spitting out teeth and testicles. I want the Rugby Chanel...and I want it RIGHT NOW!
posted by True Blue at 01:27 PM on March 07, 2007
We used to have "The Ballpark at Arlington"...that was cool...giving the illusion that the field belonged to the city...but my beloved Rangers sucked. Now we have "Ameriquest Field"...named after a mortgage company from Orange County, CA...and my beloved Rangers still suck. Point being...I don't care whose name is on the door...as long as I get to cheer for my boys in blue. I can't imagine any Tiger fan outside of city hall really gives a hoot. It's not like they have a voice in the matter. Just a choice to continue loving their team...or cry like little girls.
posted by True Blue at 01:11 PM on March 07, 2007
Dont' forget: Warren Moon...for never getting it done. I'd also like to nominate some non-athletes to the list: NBA Officials, every one of them. Bud Adams...for refusing hire blockers for Earl Campbell...essentially crippling the one of the greates RB's of all time. Jerry Jones...how could you do THAT to Tom Landry!?! A freakin Memo! Not right...just not right. Al Davis...for selling the vicious, ugly, cruel, and beautiful heart of Oakland to Los..Freakin...Angeles.
posted by True Blue at 12:53 PM on February 27, 2007
Wow! This opens up a whole new world of possibility for WADA. I guess Sylvester Stallone will have to be banned from Cinema for at least 4 years. I wonder who will play Dick Pound in the next Rocky sequel?
posted by True Blue at 11:59 AM on February 22, 2007
Lance has the right idea...get rid of Pound, and let WADA fix it's problems. Wada could be a truly great organization. Instead its become tainted by it's own ridiculous decisions. Any organization that cannot correct itself after doing something stupid needs to be changed.
posted by True Blue at 05:42 PM on December 28, 2006
Wait...I just figured it out!!! It wasn't the cancer, or the cancer drugs...it was the lead pellets that are still lodged in his backside from that unfortunate hunting "accident". You know...lead poisoning makes people crazy, right? Crazy people have inhuman strength and endurance, right? Yeah...that's it! He really only won those last three TDF's because he was cheating by injecting himself with lead pellets!!! Someone better tell Dick Pound! WADA can finally prove that Armstrong is a cheat!!! Oh Joy! Oh sweet Joy! Vive La France! Vive La FRANCE!!!!!! ....er...umm...I mean...yes...we better alert WADA...gotta keep things fair and such.
posted by True Blue at 12:47 PM on December 15, 2006
WADA is a clown school and Pound is a tyrant. This is just another case of an empowered idiot forcing simple solutions on a complex problem. WADA's only purpose is to keep competition fair. But they are doing more damage to sport than the "cheaters" ever could. Ask yourself...what irritates you more...Floyd Landis getting DQ'd at TDF? Or Barry Bonds and BALCO-gate? Make no mistake...unreasonable = unfair.
posted by True Blue at 12:17 PM on December 15, 2006
In 2005, OU went 0-4?
It seems like the NCAA has it's whipping dogs. I mean...what did OU ever do to the NCAA? First the NCAA refs give Oregon the game on two RIDICULOUS penalties. Now this?