NHL 07-08 Prediction Thread: Have it at. What say you? Who'll make it that didn't last year. Who falls out of the 'real' season. Who makes it to the SCF? Whatever else you want to Nostradamusize about, this is the place to do it.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 10:04 AM - 31 comments
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 01:17 PM - 0 comments
[Dr.Nick]: Great job everybody [/Dr.Nick]
posted by garfield to bugs at 01:34 PM - 0 comments
Sp_rtsfilter : the "o" in the header - can we get a hockey puck into the rotation?
posted by garfield to feature requests at 12:37 PM - 68 comments
Official NHL PLAYOFF Predictions: Put 'em down now so you can look smart later.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 02:35 PM - 58 comments
Please delete. I'm a tard.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 04:09 PM - 46 comments
Day 4 of no new lockerroom posts. To mark the occasion, a new lockerroom post about the lack of lockerroom posts.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 03:50 PM - 29 comments
explanation please. what's wrong with this post?
posted by garfield to editorial policy at 03:27 PM - 11 comments
I'm probably alone on this, but today spofi feels like the uneasiness right after a monumental family holiday blow-up.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 12:43 PM - 82 comments
Well, though technically not a bug, this issue has been bugging me. What is the deal with off-topic posts: in-jokes, rants, obscure references, etc. At times, people seem to enjoy it, and at others people seem to think its bringing spofi down.
posted by garfield to bugs at 12:49 PM - 63 comments