I was pretty PO'd about it at first. Then, I found out they were going to be referred to as the New York Red Bulls when playing instead of "Red Bull New York." (This is just the club name). I don't love the fact about companies naming teams after the company name, but as long as this doesn't become common place in the MLS, I don't have problem with it.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 09:33 PM on March 10, 2006
Marcus Vick deserved what he got. What a jerk. There's no excuse for stomping on someone like that. What really perplexed me though was that the announcers on the game just overlooked it when it happened and didn't say much. It was also pretty ironic that they were doing an interview with Michael Vick when Marcus did it.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 09:04 PM on January 06, 2006
I love me some granny panties!
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:36 PM on January 04, 2006
All I know is I saw Wes on the side of the road the other day bumming a ride from a German transvesite. This Wes Dude's got some connections.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:35 PM on January 04, 2006
I know what your saying about Chelsea, Texan. But, a coach should never say that a team has no chance of winning a title halfway through the season unless it truely is mathematically impossible. Even if Southern Cal is playing Bucknell or Rice, the coach isn't going to say "Hey guys, we know we're going to lose, let's just try to hold them below 70 ok. Now, let's go out there and lose one for the Gipper." sidenote: (I know I was copying Brian's song)
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:31 PM on January 04, 2006
I know what you're saying alumshubby about Columbia. But a guy can dream about a pro team in Columbia can't he. I was thinking more of a greenville-spartanburg area anyway. Their population is about 320,000. Still though, the best scenario for a pro team in the Carolinas would be Charlotte.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:14 PM on January 04, 2006
I'd consider it more of a sport than poker. At least in darts you can actually have a crowd cheer for a great play and actually see what is going on without watching it on tv. As long people enjoy watching darts, i think it is mostly a sport. I don't think it will catch on here in America though as far as a spectator sport goes.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 08:27 PM on January 03, 2006
Another city that could really use an MLB franchise is Charlotte. The Carolinas need a baseball franchise. There's actually even enough population in some of the larger cities in South Carolina also to support a team, then, just refer to this team as the Carolina such & such and have them be a North and South Carolina team like the Panthers or the Hurricanes. Charlotte is definitely large enough to support a team though. I'm surprised it's not a city getting suggested for a relocated team. Do any of my Carolina brethren agree with me?
posted by garnet&blackattack at 08:22 PM on January 03, 2006
"I wouldn't hesitate to challenge the authority of " Paul Tagliabue or anyother " godlike diety ", if it meant I " wouldn't have to go to class ", oh and that " getting rich " thing where he gets to into the " spending tons of money " Yeah, that's me too." Ya SportingRhino, i'd like the money too. But u wouldn't rob someone at gunpoint would u. Maurice Claurett really screwed in many aspects of his life.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:48 PM on January 02, 2006
"So is this a round about way of getting rid of Farve, he has said if Sherman goes he goes. They just gave Sherman an extension last year." I think ur right tdheiland, definitely a way to get Favre out. Favre's done great things for the game of football, and a lot of people are basically forcing him into retirment.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:43 PM on January 02, 2006
Vince Young Fumbles an Opportunity
The author spoke of the humility of Vince Young, this guy is so freakin' arrogant. I was watching an interview on ESPN with Vince Young before the national championship game, he was asked the question, "Who do you think is the best University of Texas football player ever." His reply was, "Me."