Same Here. Another child of '77. Thanks for the link. Awesome Story.
posted by ProSam at 05:29 PM on June 13, 2007
Such a sad story. What I don't understand is, if he was still active in football up till 7 years ago why doesn't he have any money? I know the CFL isn't as profitable as the NFL but he must have made enough money over the years to retire and at the very least have decent health care and live at home instead of a nursing home. Not that nursing homes are bad places to live, my fiance works in one, but the elderly don't like living away from their family.
posted by ProSam at 11:56 AM on June 04, 2007
I dare say in our lifetimes, we will see corporate purchases of actual team names. Holy shit! That'll be the day. I can see it now. The Golden State Googles The New England Razors The LA Yahoos That'd be some crazy stuff.
posted by ProSam at 02:12 PM on February 03, 2006
I totally support this worthy cause.
posted by ProSam at 08:43 AM on February 03, 2006
To answer your question. GREEDY What a greedy SOB. Holy Shit, I can't believe it. It does read like a freaking ransom note. Holy SHIT! He put a bad name on all us Patriot Fans. This is just obsurd. Enjoy your freaking ball!
posted by ProSam at 05:52 PM on January 31, 2006
From the followup article... This is just gross: For a while he insisted on sitting in the coxswain's seat. It made the whole boat sag and, with a wind up, water came over the gunwale. I was the guy facing him. He'd say "stroke" and we would row, he'd nitpick, and warn us about "catching crabs." I figured out later why he sat there. It wasn't to give us his wisdom close up; it was to show us his balls. Every time I looked down at my feet, there was one of them staring back at me through a gap in his shorts, legs spread wide. They were shiny and sick-looking. Even when I tried not to look, there one was, lurking out, weird as Sputnik. I lost my timing, I was relegated to the back of the boat and thankfully I never saw them again. And this is just disturbing: He was my coach when I played on our city's summer all-star baseball team. That's when I realized that he not only enjoyed the company of teenagers but had the maturity of one as well. During a practice, I was playing second base when, without warning, he whipped a ball right at me. It struck me in the face and broke my nose. He came over and said, "Got to get your glove up." Recently, he was sentenced to prison for arranging over the Internet to meet a teenage boy to have sex. Either way, there are coaches who deserve praise but there are even more that don't, but because of those few the rest are touted as hero's. Not much we can do about that.
posted by ProSam at 11:05 AM on January 27, 2006
Those are some crazy ass rules.
posted by ProSam at 09:17 AM on January 27, 2006
If Artest can settle down and start being a man that is responsible with his Day job he might be able to actually be a good team mate and be able to help his new team. Peja is definately a help for the Pacers but he'll never replace Reggie. We'll see in the long run if this was a good trade.
posted by ProSam at 10:43 AM on January 26, 2006
That bridge is awesome. It looks good in the pictures but a thousand times better in person. I'm also glad Theo is back. Though I wonder if whatever made him leave in a gorrilla suit got resolved and how.
posted by ProSam at 01:55 PM on January 25, 2006
Man! I had no idea about more then half of those listed.
posted by ProSam at 11:25 AM on January 25, 2006
These two are hilarious: 11. A bus will try to sneak into the Super Bowl dressed up as Jerome Bettis. 26. At least one old lady will approach Matt Hasselbeck and say, “I used to love you on ‘Baywatch.’”
posted by ProSam at 08:01 AM on January 25, 2006
Though I think the NBA should have suspended him I think it was too harsh. Two, three games tops is what I think should have been the punishment. The man was just trying to look out for his wife and he did it in a calm and adequate manner. The lawsuit is bogus. That's America for ya.
posted by ProSam at 10:52 AM on January 20, 2006
Cool. I being a graphic designer this is a very useful link. Thanks!
posted by ProSam at 03:17 PM on January 17, 2006
That would've been interesting to say the least.
posted by ProSam at 10:32 AM on January 17, 2006
I really didn't want to see him go but who can blame a guy for bettering his life and taking on new and exciting challenges. Good luck Eric.
posted by ProSam at 07:45 AM on January 17, 2006
Such a sad story, being from New England I had no idea who Crazy Ray was but after reading all this my heart really goes to him and his wife. I wish I could help, but my prayers are with them.
posted by ProSam at 07:42 AM on January 17, 2006
The Pats went down fighting, the D held up but the offesnse let them dow, Automatic Adam even missed a field goal, it just wasn't there night. Here's to next year.
posted by ProSam at 11:49 AM on January 15, 2006
Guess folks don't appreciate Scoop Jackson round these here parts, I reckon. :0
posted by ProSam at 03:01 PM on January 12, 2006
Porter's stupid. You play the game whatever way gets you the win. They got creamed on national TV and he's pissed that's all.
posted by ProSam at 01:58 PM on January 12, 2006
Mangini does need at the very least another year under his belt. I hope he stays. BB will probably be giving him advice and probably to the extent of staying, not only cuz he needs him, but personal experience with that franchise.
posted by ProSam at 03:12 PM on January 10, 2006
If that where the case, they'd be making a bundle every year. :)
posted by ProSam at 02:06 PM on January 10, 2006
woo hoo I'm tied for first. Cool.
posted by ProSam at 10:19 AM on January 08, 2006
And to think this could have been a shut out. A couple of inches to the right and that kick would have been a clank off the pole.
posted by ProSam at 10:16 AM on January 08, 2006
Wow. Complete and utter dominace people. I was surprised it was such a lopsided score but wow. Watch out the Pats are reving up for the Three-Peat. All I know is that I got my TiVo running and recording every game, it's history in the making.
posted by ProSam at 01:03 AM on January 08, 2006
This post doesn't show up on the front page. Why?
posted by ProSam at 12:26 AM on January 07, 2006
Two Words. (With a BIll and Ted Accent) YEAH RIGHT!!! Pats by 10 :)
posted by ProSam at 12:23 AM on January 07, 2006
If Marcus was to be the second coming of his older more mature and law abiding, that we know of, brother, he's got another thing coming. He's declared for the draft and I'm sure some stupid team will take a chance and pick him up but the guy has so much baggage, he needs help, professional help.
posted by ProSam at 12:14 AM on January 07, 2006
Yup. 34 out of 50 Votes. Landslide.
posted by ProSam at 03:15 PM on January 06, 2006
I see. Sorry about that. Is there some kind of guidelines page where I can get up to date on posting procedures? I'm fairly new here. Great site by the way. Interesting to read some of the comments.
posted by ProSam at 10:18 AM on January 06, 2006
This site was at least updated yesterday. That site has Vince going 3rd, if he opts for the Draft I don't think he'll go third more like second. Vince showed last night why he should go at the very least second. He'd be stupid no to come out this year.
posted by ProSam at 02:37 PM on January 05, 2006
I agree. Stats are not everything. Alexander carried his team the whole season, not just in the stretch run, and he set records doing it. Not to mention that he did it in Seattle, which might as well be Mars for all the national dap it gets on a regular basis. I also agree.
posted by ProSam at 02:33 PM on January 05, 2006
Tiki had a monster year but I fail to see how Brady worked with a championship team. This team is not the same team that one two in a row and on their way to three :). With all the injuries on this team Brady took it upon himself to carry the team on his back while everybody was getting healthy. That to me is MVP qualities right there. You can make a good case about a lot of players bu the bottom line is we don't vote. On a side not: Now that we have almost everybody back things are shaping up for another run at the Lombardi Trophy and three-peat. Lets go Pats.
posted by ProSam at 01:57 PM on January 05, 2006
Bush should have been in the game on that 4th and 2. Horrible play call. Congrats to Texas and Vince. That game was his to win and he brought the Crystal Egg home to Houston. I think he's opting for the draft. If he don't he's stupid. I still think Bush will go first but Vince will go second. I think any team with any common sense would atleast trade up to get him. I don't think New Orleans is ready to pick a QB, but I might be wrong.
posted by ProSam at 01:04 PM on January 05, 2006
Awesome, simply Awesome to see that and then the jubilation of the rest of the team, BB was even smiling. And Yes blarp, I wanted so badly to grab Randy Quaid ...err... Cross by the neck and just strangle him. I think he said it more like 5 or 6 times. Freakin dumbass.
posted by ProSam at 12:14 PM on January 02, 2006
Even if you where able to read spanish, como yo (like me), the link is linking to the wrong article. This is the correct link
posted by ProSam at 11:46 AM on December 29, 2005
It's all about the Benjamins. I heard him on the radio with the same lame ass excuse as others who have joined the Dark Side, that the Yankees seemed to want or appreciate him more. Yeah, I'd say the same thing if I was getting that kinda cash.
posted by ProSam at 08:23 AM on December 21, 2005
They feel like us Bruins Fans feel. Ownership needs to make a commitment to their fans first.
posted by ProSam at 01:37 PM on December 19, 2005
Ring it up! Celtics crush Lakers for 17th title
Complete and utter dominance by the C's. Paul said it best at the half interview. Paraphrasing "We just want it more, we are not going to take our feet of the gas pedal". The Celt's scored 42 in the last quarter with mostly reserves in the game. That's just crazy.