dviking (and everyone else) - The closer existed long before Tony LaRussa. But Tony was the first manager to employ a 1-inning guy (Eckersley). Before that, guys like Suter and Lee Smith and Dan Quisenberry used to go 2 or 3 innings on a regular basis. The set-up man, by association, was also a LaRussa "invention" because he was also the first one to primarily use the same guy in the 8th inning on a consistent basis.
posted by Cameron Frye at 01:12 PM on November 06, 2007
It's somewhat mystifying that the author would point out all the disadvantages that Ruth faced, yet he chose to ignore the one advantage that, in my mind, sets the curve: Prior to 1931, Major League Baseball rules stated that any ball that bounced untouched THROUGH or over a wall was considered a home run. http://www.baseballlibrary.com/baseballlibrary/excerpts/rules_chronology2.stm Looking at Babe's career statistics, I see that he played only four seasons past that magical 1931 year. How many of the Babe's bombs would have been considered ground rule doubles in today's game? I don't want to make it seem as if I am downplaying Babe's career. He is still the gold standard by which ALL home run hitters are measured. And that includes Bonds, Aaron, McGwire or ARod. But let's not go ahead and exaggerate the truth. This guy's column is laughable at best.
posted by Cameron Frye at 04:46 PM on July 23, 2007
As a graduate of NMSU, I can only wish Theus the best of luck in his first NBA coaching experience. That being said, I am incredibly bitter that Theus is leaving NMSU to coach the Kings. I am a life-long Warrior fan, so hating the Kings is just something I do. As the Maloof family has plucked away the coach who has made my alma mater matter again on the national stage, my contempt for them is that much more pronounced. I think it was a good hire for them, but I still hate them for doing it.
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:55 PM on June 21, 2007
lil brown bat - Maybe my word choice was wrong. I do not expect officials from all the major and minor sports to get together in a single room and try to discuss a single policy that will work for everyone. It would never work. What I am saying is that everyone needs to have SOME KIND of discussion and either evaluate or re-evaluate their policy on PEDs. And not just once, but at least once per year. The testing procedure in any sport is never as current as the drugs being distributed to the athletes in that sport. As an example, steroids are rarely linked to players in the NFL. But something tells me that the guys coming into and remaining in the NFL are not all clean. Shawn Merriman was one of the very few people who failed a test last season. The result? A four-game suspension and a slap on the wrist. After that suspension, he came back and still ended up winning defensive player awards. Somehow, I am not naive enough to believe that Merriman's positive test was a 1-time deal or some accident caused by tainted "legal" supplements". He got sloppy and got caught. Most of the other NFL players just don't get caught. Doesn't mean they aren't using. My opinion - and one with which I am assuming you disagree - is that the NFL is happy to only have the occasional failure and uses the lack of positive results to show a lack of abuse from their players. Well, a lack of evidence does not necessarily mean a lack of guilt. I know the flip side is true also, but in my view, the NFL chooses to continue to use out-dated testing methods and bury their heads in the sand about the results. THAT is the problem. And until the sport-watching public stands up and makes the respective sport take notice, very little will change. Baseball continues to have its proverbial head in the sand and even the threat of Congressional involvement is not enough to change the thought process. As for me "coming late to the party too" with my comment about minor sports, you cannot label me a xenophobe. That much is true. I am American and I like my sports in fairly easy-to-use categories, but I do not base my "major" and "minor" descriptions on where the sport is popular. I base my designations on simple economics. When a sport like cycling can organize itself enough to bring in 200 billion US or 150 billion EU in a single season, call me. Until then, it's been relegated to the minors. Sure the Tour de France is huge, but one event does not an entire sport make. I consider golf a "major" sport because the combined revenue of the events brings the "sport" into a realm of big money maker. When swimming can find the money to report billions of dollars in profit from certain events, I will raise its profile. I am not a huge fan of European football at all, but it is the most major of all major sports. Its worldwide base and revenue stream are things of legend. It may be a minor sport in the US, but that does not stop the machine from rolling along. Again, I ramble. My point was originally ans still is that any and every sport out there today is only willing to go so far as to appear to be doing the job. Meanwhile, the cheater is willing to go so much farther than the enforcer - and almost always does go farther, usually with minimal risk of detection. Finally, were it up to me, I would drastically revamp all rules on PED consumption, but as I stated earlier, that is another debate for another thread.
posted by Cameron Frye at 06:20 PM on May 24, 2007
lil brown bat - I still speak in broad generalizations and I truly believe that PEDs must be honestly and meaningfully discussed in ALL sports. I only brought up specific baseball references because the story was about a baseball player failing a test for greenies. I could have continued my rant for a few thousand more words and brought up specific examples in each and every major sporting league, but chose not to for the sake of everyone reading. I would like to take a quick survey of everyone here: Anyone in this discussion who thinks that PEDs are not a problem in the NFL, raise your hand. (Looks around for hands, but sees none). The NHL? (Still no hands) The NBA (One guy raises his hand and asks, "Is marijuana a PED?" Answer: No, but it is an illegal drug and is quite a problem in the league). Then there are the countless "minor" sports where PEDs are a problem as well, including track and field, swimming, cycling, etc, etc, etc. Hell, even horses are getting doped up these days. The only place PEDs are not a factor is in auto racing, and that's just because all the cheating is being done with the fuel and the engine - as close to PEDs as you're ever gonna get in auto racing. The actual discussion about PEDs in sports is an entirely different issue. I - and I belive that I am not alone - believe that rather than demonizing roids and other PEDs, sports should take a healthy look at proper uses of the drugs and discuss ways to use them to the athletes' advantage. But, as I said, that's another discussion in another thread. So, to summarize, PEDs are a problem in all major sports. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not being honest with himself or herself.
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:10 AM on May 24, 2007
Count me in as one of those people unimpressed with the way the entire sports community is handling recent drug allegations. Amphetamines have been commonplace in clubhouses for more than 40 years, so the fact that Barry Bonds or Jason Giambi has failed a test for greenies is as shocking as the sun coming up. Throw out a list of any player that has played the game since the 1950s and what you have is a list of players who have, at one time or another, popped a greenie to get up for a game. No exceptions. Turning to steroids, the demonizing of Barry Bonds as the uber villain of drug-using athletes is as absurd as any running storyline i have ever seen. The entire country is focused on Barry, his over-sized head, giant arms and surly attitude. And almost to a man, people seem to think that as soon as he goes away, so will the problems with drugs in sports. Well, guess what? Barry Bonds may be the poster child for cheaters anonymous, but the night Hank Aaron his his 715th home run, the ball was caught by a journeyman pitcher named Tom House, who was sitting in the bullpen. The interesting part about that is that House has ADMITTED to using steroids as far back as the late 1960s. Now if House was popping horse steroids and HgH and amphetamines as far back as the 1960s, why is it that the "steroid age" only started in the early 1990s, according to most experts? Until sports fans, sports "journalists" and members of the sporting community stop trying to play politics with PEDs and actually face up to the issues in an honest, open manner, stories like this will have as much relevance as Paris Hilton going to jail for 45 days for whatever it is she did to go to jail for 45 days. Thank you for reading my rant. Have a great rest of your day.
posted by Cameron Frye at 06:22 PM on May 23, 2007
A small piece of friendly advice to Mr. Dukes: Buy your wife an umpire's outfit for Halloween and then send Delmon over to your house for a little trick-or-treating fun. Problem solved.
posted by Cameron Frye at 04:16 PM on May 23, 2007
SO I shoulda oughta posted the original link: http://www.sptimes.com/2007/05/23/Tampabay/Ballplayer_s_wife__He.shtml My apologies.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:58 PM on May 23, 2007
Rickey's only 48 years old. Giants general manager Brian Sabean should be on the phone with Rickey's agent right now trying to work out a deal. He'd fit in perfectly with Barry Bonds, Rich Aurilia, Ryan Klesko, and Dave Roberts. Nothing quite like adding one more over-the-hill baseball player to a roster that is full of 'em already.
posted by Cameron Frye at 02:04 PM on May 09, 2007
The Blackhawks have Golden State Warrior-esque luck when it comes to the draft. This year's NHL draft could easily be conducted by random drawing of the top 5 or 6 names and any of them could end up being the best player in that draft. Joe Smith anyone?
posted by Cameron Frye at 12:10 PM on April 11, 2007
That was a solid story, and it really tuggesd at the heartstrings. But, to be fair, there was one little piece of info that was not entirely accurate. Kirtland Central High School in Kirtland, New Mexico has 17 girls' basketball state titles as well, so Nazareth is only tied for the most titles. http://www.nmact.org/files/Girls_Basketball_Records.pdf I worked as a reporter at the local newspaper during one of the team's runs of consecutive state titles. Those girls are dominant and, just like in Nazareth, basketball is a way of life for a lot of the girls. When the Kirtland Lady Broncos win, they win a lot. During some of their title runs, the girls have won eight straight, four straight and three straight state titles during different spans. That's 15 of the 17 titles in spurts. BTW, the last two did also come back-to-back. When Kirtland plays rivals Shiprock, you can expect a sold-out gym. It was so crazy back when I was there that the gym would be packed to the rafters 3 and 4 hours before game time. People had to get there early just to get a seat. After a quick Google search, I see the Lady Broncos are 18-4 this season and angling for #18 just as the Swiftettes are doing. Good luck to both teams.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:54 PM on February 09, 2007
As far as Kiffin, he's got a clean slate right now. Let's see what he can do before we say he's not the answer. But doesn't Kiffin, for the most part, have the same offense that Shell had? SUre that #1 overall pick will be nice and it can easily be assumed that the Raiders will pick offense with the top spot, but that one player will not be able to play all 11 offensive spots. I fail to see how Lane Kiffin will be able to assert his will on a team that has no will to begin with.
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:36 PM on January 23, 2007
I still don't understand how this man went from being possibly the best owner in the NFL, to being possibly the worst. Well, let's use analogy to set the scene. I am almost 40 years old. When I was in high school, I loved heavy metal. One of my favorite bands was Queensryche. I thought their album, "Rage for Order" was a masterpiece of the genre and could listen to it over and over and over again. Now, 20 years later, I pick up that album and try to listen to it. I am able to get through it because I have some fond memories of my life 20 years ago. But the older, wiser, more musically knowledgeable me listens to that album now and I cringe. It is so dated that I am almost embarrassed to listen to it in public. The Oakland Raiders are that Queensryche album and Al Davis is that guy that we all know who still listens to it. Not only does Al listen to it, he cranks it up in his Trans Am and flips his mullet whenever he sees chicks, thinking they still dig him. (I was never "fortunate" enough to be able to grow long hair, so I never sported a mullet. Good things can be said for male pattern baldness) Al still thinks that the style of football that got his team to three Super Bowl victories in the 1960s and 1970s is going to get his current teams back to the big game. Unfortunately, we all know that his "vertical passing game" no longer works for many reasons, the most obvious is that NFL players are bigger, stronger, and most importantly, faster than they were 30 years ago. There are more reasons, but you get the idea. Al has never let go of "the greatness of da Raidahs" and still honestly believes that his beloved style of football will one day work again. Until he dies, gives up control of the Raiders, or allows another Jon Gruden-like coach to assume the reigns (and no, Lane Kiffin is not that coach) the Raiders will not be a Super Bowl team.
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:44 AM on January 23, 2007
I won't be able take any change WADA makes seriously until Pound steps down. Damn, holden. That is EXACTLY what I came here to say. That guy is a raving lunatic and his mere presence discredits anything WADA has to say.
posted by Cameron Frye at 12:15 PM on January 18, 2007
I like Indiana's side of the deal. Addition by subtraction. Plus, Murphy might be able to stretch defences out with his shooting and allow O'Neal some more room to work in the post. I still think Dunleavy's best basketball is ahead of him, and perhaps in Carlisle's system (very different from Nellieball) he will flourish. I would hate losing Jasikevicious, though, and I think he might prove to be the X-factor off the bench in an up-tempo system for the Warriors. Smithers, I enjoy the fact that you are trying to find positives in the trade for the Pacers, but as a long-suffering Warrior fan, I cannot help but comment on a few of your points. Troy Murphy will not "stretch" anyone's defense. Teams will give him the open jumper and dare him to take it. As a Warrior fan, I am confident that he will miss it a lot more often than he will hit it. His only saving grace is that he will not look so exposed on defense playing alongside Jeff Foster and Jermaine O'Neal. In GS, he was a sieve on defense. The only person worse than Murfee on defense is Mike Dungleavy. Just be thankful that you didn't acquire him too. Oh, wait. Let's just hope Carlisle does not try to play those two at the same time too often. Mike Dungleavy's best basketball is not ahead of him. It's not behind him either. With Dungleavy, there is no "best basketball". Period. That guy is the ultimate underachiever. He has no self-confidence. He has no heart. He has no desire. He has no fire at all. He's a mechanical basketball player with no upside at all. He will go off for 16 points and 9 boards one night and then follow it up with 3 or 4 nights of 6 points and 3 rebounds. The worst part is that he will not show even the SLIGHTEST bit of emotion while doing it. He is a black hole and I would much rather have a talented head case like Stephen Jackson than an emotionless loser like Dungleavy. Jasikevicius (Yes-kev-i-sich) may be the current X-factor. I agree with that. But in the end, the main cog in the transaction is going to be Ike Diogu. If he can adapt to Carlisle's style and learn to pass a little more, he will truly be a beast for the Pacers.
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:40 AM on January 18, 2007
When TJ Quinn was asked how many players failed the amphetamines test last year, his response was that he never got a quantitative answer, just that there were a lot. It seems this is a lot bigger problem than just Bonds. But only Bonds' name was brought up in the story. I may be a pessimist by nature, but I find it truly hard to believe that Barry Bonds was the only high-profile baseball player to fail a test last year. But whoever "leaked" this info chose not to tell us that Derek Jeter or Ryan Howard or Albert Pujols or Roger Clemens or Alex Rodriguez or Manny Ramirez also MIGHT have been on that list. Only Barry. The reason for this is simple. If any of these other athletes were named in the same leak, it would be a LOT harder to crucify Barry Bonds as the devil. That is the ONLY purpose of this latest story. It gives the mindless masses a reason to claim that Barry has failed a drug test. So later today, tomorrow, next week and into the season when we hear about his failed amphetamines test, and holier-than-thou @ssholes like Mike Lupica and Rick Reilly are piling on about this guy, the masses won't have to worry about lumping poor Albert Poo-holes or good guy David Ortiz or (god forbid) wide-eyed golden boy Joe Mauer with Satan himself. Oh, and just to add fuel to the fire, I heard a rumor that Barry Bonds traveled to Africa last year, bought an entire village of orphan children, and ripped out their intestines with his hands so he could feed himself. He then lit the survivors on fire and ordered a military strike on the entire village to cover the evidence. Barry IS the devil. Man, I hate sports writers. * * I have a degree in communications and spent the first five years of my post-college life as a professional sports writer. So I can say that with conviction.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:24 PM on January 11, 2007
Now, for those who fail to grasp the obvious, I am going to say this: I think Barry Bonds is a self-righteous prick. But, playing devil's advocate here, does ANYONE reading this comments thread think that Barry Bonds is the only guy in all of baseball who failed an amphetamines test last season? Anyone at all? So why is it that HIS name is splashed up on the sports sections and websites of America today? Allow me to pompously answer my own question: It's because he's a self-righteous prick and baseball wants him out of the way SOOOOOO bad they can taste it. But because he has not failed any steroid tests and because his name was more than likely NOT on that list of players who failed the 2003 test, they cannot get him. Being the impartial sports fan I am, it would be best for all if Barry just took his ego and went home now. Being the Giants fan that I am, I concur with myself and think that my enjoyment of the game of baseball would increase ten-fold if he did. But being the realist that I am, I know that His Most Royal Highness will not depart the diamond for the last time until he has spat on each and every hallowed record he can get his roid-infested hands on. At least the San Jose Giants will be fun to watch. Cheaper, too.
posted by Cameron Frye at 12:45 PM on January 11, 2007
Cameron, definitely get Robinho's shirt, Van Nistelrooy is a dick. So, sic. Next time will you do me a favor? Try not to hold anything back in your thoughts. It seems to me like you really want to say something about Van Nistelrooy and are just not coming out and saying it. lmao. Robinho it is.
posted by Cameron Frye at 06:00 PM on January 10, 2007
Who is Renaldo and why do you have his jersey? ;) D@mnit. Excuse me, as I will now go and rip a fingernail out of my left hand as penance for my blatant error. I hope Ronaldo accepts my apology. My next question is this: When Beckham leaves, should I replace his jersey with Van Nistelrooy or Robinho?
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:51 AM on January 10, 2007
Lesse now. The Brits get Clint Dempsey and the Americans (potentially) get Beckham? 1. Better for attendance in America. 2. Better for Team USA as Dempsey's facing some top-flight competition. I like it. Sincerely, jingoistic American
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:45 AM on January 10, 2007
Of course Beckham is going to come to the United States and play in the MLS - just not yet. There are too many English Premiership teams that could gain a huge boost in attendance by showing Beckham the money for two years, possibly three. It would be just my luck, though to have Mr Posh Spice make the jump across the pond the season AFTER my beloved Earthquakes defected to Texas to become the Houston Whatevertheirnameisnow. I guess I could drive to LA for the weekend, although I want to spend the least amount of time in that cesspool as possible in my lifetime. As a wise man once said, The only way to fix it is to flush it all away." Oh well. It'll be worth it to see the man play live once in my life. I even have the white Beckham Real Madrid jersey in the closet - right next to the blue long-sleeve Renaldo jersey and the Zidane jersey. That's three Real Madrid jerseys - not bad for a jingoistic American, huh? ;-) One final note, ESPN's soccernet page is already running the counter-story that says the offer to Becks has NOT been pulled by Real Madrid. Spin central is in effect for the Spaniards a mere hour or two after word got out. Life is good for David Beckham.
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:30 AM on January 10, 2007
Well, you can at least count on him not to sit on his ass as the events that effect him unfold to determine the course of his life. He's going to take a stand. Right or wrong, he's going to defend it. Bravo, BullpenPro. Bravo. Cameron - as Fence pointed out, that wasn't a "top 50", just a plain old "50". Pedantry aside, I should perhaps have flagged it up as a global rather than a US list - then again, maybe I posted it in the first place because it leans away from the US-centric norm. You are right. It was an eclectic list to be sure. The Jana Novotna thing I had forgotten about. Looking back, I think everyone wishes TiVo had been around then. That was one of those unforgettable moments in sports. As for Cameron - don't listen to them, Cameron. I live for the sarcasm. We all do, secretly. I don't know what I'm talking about now. This giving up smoking thing is really hard on the brain. JJ - When I read that, I immediately thought of Airplane - "I think I picked the wsrong week to stop sniffing glue."
posted by Cameron Frye at 11:17 AM on January 10, 2007
And yes, I know that Koufax was so ridiculously dominant in that 5-year stretch that there really has never been a statistical comparison of his greatness. And I realize that at the time of Albert's stretch that guys like Juan Gonzalez, Frank Thomas, Mark McGwire and Manny Ramirez were putting up similar numbers. But the excuse most people seem to use with Albert is that he didn't dominate long enough. And that's just not a really good excuse. The guy lost out because he was a d00shbag and pretty much everyone - teammates included - either hated him or refused to admit that they hated him.
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:17 PM on January 09, 2007
The biggest problem with Albert Belle's candidacy is that he was utterly dominant for only 3 or 4 years. He was a force to be reckoned with for another 5 or 6, but just could not prove his staying power. No one ever gets into the Hall of Fame unless he dominates for a long period of time. Sincerely, Sandy Koufax
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:15 PM on January 09, 2007
The Black Hand: Thank you for your response, and I appreciate the welcome. Your powers of deduction are well formed as I am a writer who, on other now-defunct boards, has been called The Grammar Nazi for my inability to let even a single misspelled word remain in my posts. Of course with these boards, once the post is there, it's there forever, so I must learn never to post in haste. But I digress... I also appreciate your advice. I have been reading this site for about a month and have seen posts with a lot less substance and merit go unanswered. It was folly for me to believe that my attempt at sarcasm would go unanswered as well, but as a newbie, I was expecting that my post was more likely to get ignored than to be foisted up for all to see as an example of everything that is wrong with America, which is how I took that response. Is it better for a new poster to announce his presence with authority ala Nuke LaLoosh or end up as the wallflower at the school dance and quietly sneak into the party unseen and hope that someone eventually asks him to dance? That was my personal quandary. I probably should have taken the time to more eloquently express my views, but sometimes sarcasm is the easy way out. Again, thanks for the intro and I will do my best to use logic first and foremost on these boards. Just beware that sometimes, the power of sarcasm compels me. +++++++++++++ It could get wrecked, stolen, scratched, breathed on wrong. A pigeon could sh!t on it. Who knows.
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:00 PM on January 09, 2007
The fact you chose to make an issue of something with which you disagree when you had the option to simply let it pass and go on to the next thread certainly illustrates your eagerness to chastise another member's contribution. I was not chastising another member's contribution. I was chastising the authors of the list. If I offended the submitter, I sincerely apologize. I meant no disrespect to you and hope you understand that. But I won't apologize for my post or its tone. To me, that list - like ALL Top 50 anything lists - was horribly lacking. All lists of that sort are just asking to be picked apart. I chose the succinct route to make my point.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:56 PM on January 09, 2007
Plus I want to see a fight between him and Ty Cobb when duplicating people from their remains is perfected. Imagine Ty Cobb playing against some of the all-time greats. That'd be a riot. Getting struck out by Bob Gibson...losing a double or triple up the alleyway because Willie Mays made a sensational catch....dropping a bunt down the third base line and watching Alex Rodriguez come in and throw him out by a half step...Finding out that he would be DH at best on some of the all-time baseball teams cuz even though he could hit, so can Willie Mays, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Ken Griffey Jr and Mickey Mantle. Cobb steps up to the plate as Sandy Koufax looks in for the sign. Catcher: "Psst. Hey Ty. That guy on the mound out there, he's a Jew. And he's going to strike you out." Classic.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:38 PM on January 09, 2007
There is a lot of world out there beyond our shores, Cameron Frye. If you can't acknowledge that American sports are just a piece of the global pie, it's probably best to keep the ignorance to yourself and not show your ass. You mis-read and mis-understand my point. There is a lot of world outside of England as well. To have only two baseball stories, one American football story, no basketball stories and no hockey stories tells me that the list was compiled by a few guys who cared not at all about sports that do not regularly touch England's hallowed ground. The American football and baseball stories were obviously thrown in there to appease anyone wondering if they guys "did their homework" at all. So if you want to pretend that you are some cosmopolitan sports fan and that my statement is nothing more than American ignorance, you go right ahead. But you'd be wrong and if you actually READ my comment rather than just look at the words, you'd understand that fact.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:09 PM on January 09, 2007
I was excited to read this story until I figured out that it was from a British paper. Seriously. Two baseball stroies and one football story in the top 50? Call me jingoistic, but the Brits know sports like the French Army knows resistance.
posted by Cameron Frye at 12:42 PM on January 09, 2007
Yet, I will personally GUARANTEE you that in his past ballots, Ladewski has voted for players who used amphetamines on a daily basis. - Sign stealers. - Ball scuffers - Guys who corked their bat at least once The thing that gets me is that steroids are being held up by ignorant people as the ruination of baseball, but cheating has been going on for 100 years. Steroids are just the latest version to help players. If I could market an illegal drug that would turn average sportswriters like Ladewski into Red Smith or Grantland Rice or Ring Lardner or even Peter Gammons, but would compromise the writer's integrity along the way, I can good and Bonds-darn guarantee you that the drug would not go unsold. Guys like Ladewski - Mike Lupica and Rick Reilly are the two biggest culprits these days - are a disgrace to rational thought.
posted by Cameron Frye at 01:59 PM on January 08, 2007
The most amazing part of the whole thing is that Stefan's miscue with the puck was not the worst foible by the Stars. The fact that NONE of the other Dallas players had a chance to stop Hemsky on the break-away is more of a disgrace. Stoll sent the puck back up ice after Stefan slipped and the only Dallas defenseman aware that the game was still going on followed the puck into the corner. When the Edmonton player centered it to Hemsky, he was alone with only the goalie to beat. At worst, Stefan's foible should have led to Dallas slowing down the puck as it crossed center ice, forcing Edmonton to resort to a last-second shot from beyond the blue line. Ray Ferraro is a little ball of hate, but on that call, he was just all wrong. Stefan was a victim of bad ice. The rest of the Stars players share as much if not more blame for that goal.
posted by Cameron Frye at 05:18 PM on January 05, 2007
JJ - Cricket is a darts game. The object is to hit each number from 15-20 plus the bullseye three times. The first person to "close" the board wins, unless the opposition scores more points. See, once you have officially "closed out" a number, you can continue to score points on that number if your opponent has not yet closed it out. For instance, you and I are playing and I have closed out the 20, 18, and 17, You have closed out the 18, 17, 16 and bullseye. While trying to catch up to you on closing out numbers, I can continue to throw at the 20 and get points every time I hit it. Of course, until I close out the bullseye, you can outscore me with ease because you get 50 points for every hit after closing it out. There are rules in a lot of places. Just type cricket darts into Google. It's a fun drinking game - but only if you can throw darts. Drunks who have no dart-throwing skills get eaten alive in the game, much like amateurs in billiards.
posted by Cameron Frye at 03:50 PM on January 04, 2007
New Hockeytown USA
I understand the point of the article was not to try to stop Detroit from using the term Hockeytown USA, but the Red Wings own that title and it's theirs to keep. Let's do a quick associtaion: I say Showtime, you say: ..... Los Angeles Lakers. I say "America's Team" and you say: ..... The Dallas Cowboys I say Hockeytown USA, you say: ... Detroit Red Wings None of those will ever change. Move on. Nothing to see here.