Signs of Sanity from WADA?: "WADA's code is currently undergoing the first major revision since its inception in 2003 … The latest revision was the result of more than six months of comments solicited from a list of thousands of 'stakeholders' - governments, sporting organizations, anti-doping authorities and athletes alike … the biggest changes relate to sanctions: they received many comments calling for the flexibility to impose bigger sanctions for more serious doping offenses and lighter sentences for less egregious ones."
Hopefully whoever replaces Mr. Pound will do a better job of keeping quiet about results and let the system try the athletes instead of pushing the matter into the court of public opinion.
posted by apoch at 10:37 AM on January 18, 2007
I won't be able take any change WADA makes seriously until Pound steps down.
posted by holden at 11:57 AM on January 18, 2007
I won't be able take any change WADA makes seriously until Pound steps down. Damn, holden. That is EXACTLY what I came here to say. That guy is a raving lunatic and his mere presence discredits anything WADA has to say.
posted by Cameron Frye at 12:15 PM on January 18, 2007
"The World Anti-Doping Code represents a unique and unprecedented triumph of Sport and Government joining forces to address a critical problem that continues to threaten public health and the integrity of sport." Does this statement mean they already got rid of Pound, who threatens the integrity of sport?
posted by graymatters at 03:00 PM on January 18, 2007
I could probably write a few thousand words on this subject but I'll refrain (oh, I miss blogging!). This is an interesting development, especially as Dick Pound will not re-offer as chair of WADA. A couple of other recent and related threads on SportsFilter: LA Times report on anti-doping Wired's history of WADA and Dick Pound.