...the cards on the other hand suck and there not doing anything about it. Sure they are. They very slightly changed their logo. Now it has attitude.That should be good for at least 1 preseason win next year.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:49 PM on January 29, 2005
I think the media critics are just getting warmed up to blast Detriot That's a fact. At least in Jacksonville you can go to the beach to nurse your hangover.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:50 AM on January 29, 2005
I've never seen a tank in a final of a major before. Lindsay just collapsed. I didn't think a number one in any sport could be on such a fine line. Guess we're all human after all...
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:40 AM on January 29, 2005
Another interesting story on how the Superbowl was won by Jacksonville...
posted by DirkDiggler at 04:49 PM on January 28, 2005
Don't you wish you would have posted this, Weedymcsmokey?
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:45 AM on January 23, 2005
starry, I (we) think you are missing the point. I think what we are trying to say is: One person is not bigger than the game. And when demands escalate, owners are forced to pay something close - in comparison with what other owners are paying for an equivalent player - or another owner will pay the demand, so the current owner risks losing the player. That being said, when the numbers get so high they outweigh smart business, you run the very realistic possibility of owners not being happy with the MLBPA. When this happens, they try to change the next CBA, and we end up with a lockout or a strike. It sucks, and it is killing all sports, and the players can contol this, but Roger is proof that they (and their blood-sucking agents) won't. My two cents.
posted by DirkDiggler at 04:11 PM on January 22, 2005
Let's be generous and say he wins 18 games. And in those wins he's good for 100 pitches. That's $10,000 a pitch. Joey's right. Fuck Clemens.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:33 PM on January 21, 2005
I predict 8-11 with a 5.61 era... worth every million.
posted by DirkDiggler at 06:14 PM on January 21, 2005
Clemens left the Red Sox when the team didn't value his contribution as highly as other teams did Actually, if memory serves, he demanded a multi-year contract that would have made him the highest paid pitcher in baseball. This coming from a guy that had a 4 year record barely above .500 Clemens gave an emotional interview in which he claimed to long for status as a Red Sox all-time great, finishing his career with the team and joining Ted Williams and Carl Yastrzemski as iconic figures in Boston baseball history. Later the Rocket announced that if he couldn't get what he deserved from the Red Sox, then he would only sign with one of the two teams close to his home and family in Texas. "My family comes first," Roger said. Clemens then signed a multi-year contact with that well known Texas municipality, Toronto, Canada.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:05 PM on January 19, 2005
Sure it wasn't a Baby Ruth? Where was Carl Spackler?
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:17 AM on January 19, 2005
That's not a tan. That's Jaundice caused by Cirrhosis of the Liver from the 4 month bender he's on...
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:53 PM on January 18, 2005
But the guy was practically unhittable last season. I agree. Who retires after winning the Cy? I'd wait till I sucked and my agent kicked me to the curb, and my wife divorced me and took half of that crazy money, but that's just me.
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:41 PM on January 18, 2005
I'd rather Jack Morris or John Smoltz in their primes Or Randy Johnson today.
posted by DirkDiggler at 03:47 PM on October 25, 2004
DrJohnEvans: I just saw in USAToday a detailed graphic of where, exactly, the Schilling's ankle is. Thank god. Turns out it is exactly where mine is too. Wasn't quite WebMD standard, but cleared up a lot of confusion.
posted by DirkDiggler at 01:22 PM on October 25, 2004
... And you'll have a bunch of insufferable bandwagon jumpers to endure... Amen. Already have that. Hate em worse than Yankees fans. And I agree with the second championship (if the first is achieved) not feeling the same. Happened with the Pats last year. But the passion won't die like some people believe.
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:13 AM on October 25, 2004
The cruelest thing that could happen to Boston is to win the Series. Jesus, did someone actually say that? The media built that pile of dog shit. Mount "Curse". Every Red Sox fan I know just wants to taste that WS win. Something a lot of our fathers went to our graves wishing for. If they win this year they will want to win next year, as bad as the Yankees fans wanted to win this year.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:43 AM on October 25, 2004
James taylor looks like the head Martian on "Mars Attacks". Sounds good though.
posted by DirkDiggler at 07:19 PM on October 24, 2004
The clown keeps using the term "Defensive Error". Is there any other kind? are base-running errors given? If so, Manny would have been given one last night.
posted by DirkDiggler at 04:00 PM on October 24, 2004
My bad. My long term memory is about as long as my...
posted by DirkDiggler at 02:03 PM on October 24, 2004
Bellhorn's dinger was important for two reasons. One; the obvious, two; Tavares gave up another important HR. Getting into this kids head in game one should ruin him for the series. In the words of the great Crash Davis: "10 million dollar arm with a 10 cent head..."
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:21 AM on October 24, 2004
Sox fans should freaking love the guy. Abso-fucking-lutely. And he'll come out of the pen tonight if Schill needs long relief. He's an Ironman. Knuckleballers never get the respect they deserve. They are to baseball what kickers are to football.
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:14 AM on October 24, 2004
Still the same as 22-0 in the WS. Three more to go.
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:00 AM on October 24, 2004
He was my neighbor in Waltham. He's cool. I'll make excuses for him forever for the 2003 ALCS. Now if the Gods could just shift the wind a little McGarver won't ride his ass either.
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:46 PM on October 23, 2004
Jesus, Jenny Craig him before I have to buy widescreen...
posted by DirkDiggler at 05:35 PM on October 23, 2004
John Kruk on ESPN actually got into an argument with Harold Reynolds over whether to catch Varitek or Mirabelli for Wake. Kruk thinks Tek shoudl catch. He must have been had been preoccupied -- more than likely something to do with food -- when those knuckleballs went whizzing by Varitek in game 5...
posted by DirkDiggler at 03:53 PM on October 23, 2004
i miss hockey. What is this game for which you speak?
posted by DirkDiggler at 10:13 PM on October 22, 2004
I meant he is interesting to listen to, and combined with Chris Burman they don't infuriate me with meaningless stats and advice like I'm 3 year-old. I think "idiot" is kind of harsh. Old School perhaps. Not too many idiots in Cooperstown.
posted by DirkDiggler at 05:35 PM on October 22, 2004
Am I the only one that loves to hear Joe Morgan and Boomer call a game? So refreshing to hear a game from a crew that expects you to know more than the blindingly obvious about baseball. And McGarver even gets that wrong. When (forget which LCS game) the leadoff hitter walked on 4 pitches, he said "That's the same as a home run". Meaning, well, who the f knows.
posted by DirkDiggler at 04:02 PM on October 22, 2004
I, for one, will be counting Yankee references. I'll bet the FOX trucks and crew show up Saturday at Yankee Stadium. Kind of a Phantom Pain, if you will. And if I hear the f**king word "Curse" one more time. Guys (media), it's a silly, stupid superstition. Say it enough and it will become a fact in some idiots heads. It doesn't "live", it wasn't "reversed", one baseball team beat another. Let it go.
posted by DirkDiggler at 08:38 AM on October 22, 2004
So the Cards are coming to town? I'm trembling like a french soldier...
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:07 PM on October 21, 2004
Am I reading it right, though? Does the guy leave his wife for a younger woman at one point? Why not? I did.
posted by DirkDiggler at 05:30 PM on October 21, 2004
Post-season baseball as a whole took a downturn when they started advertising behind the batter, on a bluescreen wall behind the plate. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 90% of the screen is filled with a Viagra commercial telling me it's not good to have an erection for 4 hours. And if you look close you can see the pitcher go into his windup...
posted by DirkDiggler at 05:26 PM on October 21, 2004
With the upcoming WS I wince at the prospect of hearing about Schilling's foot overdramatized and covered ad nauseum. We will see a split screen of his foot and the rest of the game on every pitch. Then when the Red Sox are batting there will be that stupid ass Scooter cartoon describing his meatball surgery that allows him to pitch. He should have told the media it was a groin injury. Even FOX wouldn't show closeups of his hog...
posted by DirkDiggler at 03:47 PM on October 21, 2004
I'm just trying to understand the strategy. If Francona is going to be giving me heart attacks in the World Series, I want to understand his logic. Actually it's easy for me to applaud a decision like that with a 7 run lead (which quickly became 5). Thank God Pedro found a different gear and squashed the rally. If it were a 2 run lead I would have had to go down there...
posted by DirkDiggler at 03:12 PM on October 21, 2004
According to Francona, Lowe was on a 50 pitch count...he threw 70. The crowd roared to life and that overemphasized the couple hits he gave up. But I mean, c'mon...anytime a manager makes a pitching change in a deciding game he's asking for second guessing. Plus, Pedro hit 97mph on the gun. Finally some one got it right. Replace an erratic (in the last month) Lowe with a Pedro that can bring the heat for 30 pitches. Lowe could have broght NY back into it with 3 pitches, which is why Pedro was warming up. Once warm, why wait for the 3 pitch meltdown? I applaud Francona for his decisions last night. We won, didn't we?
posted by DirkDiggler at 02:03 PM on October 21, 2004
But wait, there's more. We don't have to watch another World Series at Yankee stadium or hear Ronan Tynan belt out his version of GBA while the media paints pictures of the kind, wonderful, heart-of-America media favorite NY fans. Instead, we get to watch it at beer drinking, loud, obnoxious Fenway Park. Those are my peeps. How fucking cool is that?
posted by DirkDiggler at 11:06 AM on October 21, 2004
Mike Timlin: we couldn't give a shit who his daddy is. Funniest post EVER. Thanks etagloh
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:44 AM on October 21, 2004
The lights are out at Yankee Stadium and every Red Sox player has a blood alcohol content of 3.0, and I still feel like the Yankees are going to come back and win. Guess there's a bone missing in my head since last year. Like when Bowe knocked out Tyson, I just sat there in stunned silence. A lot of spotlights on Johnny D, but D. Lowe gets my props. 6 innings of 1 hit ball? Never in my (his) wildest dreams did this ever play out. My life has been that Nike Commercial. 4 more wins to go...
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:34 AM on October 21, 2004
Post the final score pic on the board, whoever wins...
posted by DirkDiggler at 03:15 PM on October 20, 2004
sorry 'bout that. I'll shut up now.
posted by DirkDiggler at 02:34 PM on October 20, 2004
i'm just a doom and glood type of person glood? Wait, I'm a glood and I take offense to that.
posted by DirkDiggler at 02:33 PM on October 20, 2004
For the first time in a long long time (childhood), I'm not expecting the Sox to lose. I feel the same way too. Haven't felt that way since the game Pudge hit the foul pole. I knew the Sox would lose in the Bucky Dent one-game playoff. I don't necessarily think it's 'Mo', just a gut feeling. Eerie...
posted by DirkDiggler at 02:31 PM on October 20, 2004
and if i were a man i don't know how much i'd really be insulted being called a girl by someone who feels the need to call himself dirkdiggler. I am a man and I am not insulted by being called a girl. If I insulted anyone else by using the term then they need to look at how I used it. My little girl jumps up and down and screams when she doesn't get her way. She is 18 months old, and she is the most beautiful living being I have ever seen. She is the joy in my life. And, I believe all little girls and boys act this way. I should have used the term "baby, or infant" but it has much less impact with the point I was trying to make. (i.e. Dennis Miller admits he wouldn't be where he is today without using the f word in every sentence.) Good points were made by many, but had very little to do with baseball. They were offended, not me. And I use dirkdiggler because it's just funny to me. Nothing else. Stop trying to read into it. Let's talk baseball.
posted by DirkDiggler at 01:49 PM on October 20, 2004
*yawn* I grow tired of such declamatory jabber.
posted by DirkDiggler at 01:20 PM on October 20, 2004
Wow, she's tough. A bit sensitive, but tough...
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:55 PM on October 20, 2004
never cease to be amazed by the amount of energy spent huffing about things that do not matter instead of things that do... Let's not kick a man - er, girl when she's down...
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:45 PM on October 20, 2004
...Then they are promptly swept by the Astros/Cardinals in the WS That's almost a certainty. Whoever survives this battle will be emotionally and physically spent with very little time to recover. But if the Red Sox beat the Yankees tonight, the way they did it, will be bigger than any world series. FOX will probably lose 50% of its audience. Now the real question is: IF the Red Sox win tonight, will it be remembered as the greatest comeback in MLB history, or the biggest choke in MLB history? I vote comeback...
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:38 PM on October 20, 2004
You wouldn't understand. To call a man a girl is an insult that goes back before the last ice age. You can call a girl a man if you want, I won't be offended. You little girl.
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:22 PM on October 20, 2004
"I don't want the umpires to meet anymore because when they do the calls go against the Yankees." Jesus, what a whiney little girl. He needs to get plunked again. This time in the junk.
posted by DirkDiggler at 12:12 PM on October 20, 2004
Is That Your Intangibles, Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
lbb - do you hear that? It's the winds of change...