Off-topic for owlhouse.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:22 PM on March 26, 2006
'The Difficult Second Album' I think Billy Bragg beat you to that one. "Doin' the Locomotion like I was Kylie Minogue."
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:22 PM on March 26, 2006
Grum if you don't mind (and I'm not picking a fight or anything, I just want to know), could you explain to me your stance on the Barry Bonds issue? I've gathered that you usually stick up for Bonds but I'm not sure whether you think he is innocent, or what he did, ect. If you could tell me I'd appreciate it.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:19 PM on March 26, 2006
Wait, someone backed you up? I must have missed it. By the way, Sanford seems like he has the potential to be a good goalie which should be good for the Blues but they don't seem to have many quality scorers. Unless they get some of those I see mediocrity in the future.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:15 PM on March 26, 2006
You know I ment Guys.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:25 PM on March 25, 2006
Shanahan's unselfishness and his team-first attitude is his best stat. Ditto! wingnut4life I wasn't there with Shanahan & Craig Janney's whore, but wouldn't that make it her fault? Yes. Women control the Sex. Everyone knows that. If a women wants to get it she does & you gays can't say know. Well, most of you.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 09:52 AM on March 25, 2006
The first time I ever saw a hockey game, if you accidentally tripped someone, or punched them in the face, you got a 2 minute penalty. I know the rules have changed over the years. Maybe it's five minutes now, but it wasn't when I first started watching. A big fight yes, but not a few whacks at each other. I think there are too many teams who make the playoffs anyway. They need to cut it in half, but so much money with the extra games. If only 1/2 of the teams made it, the Blues would have missed 15 or 20 years of playoffs. We had one really bad coach back when Brendan Shanahan was traded. Mike Keenan was hired as both general manager and coach prior to the 1994-95 NHL season, lauded as the "playoff coach" that could cure the postseason turmoil Blues fans had endured for years. He instituted major changes, among them trades that sent away fan favorites like Brendan Shanahan. That was the worst move the Blues ever made. St. Louis hated Mike Keenan. I told my husband that Brendan was traded and he asked me "What team did we get for him?" Like I said "At least we have the Cardinals."
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 07:48 PM on March 24, 2006
Ying Yang Mafia (double?) overtime. It was. With less than 2 minutes in that 5th period. St. Louis has been the playoffs in 35 of its 39 seasons, missing the post season during the 1973-74, 1977-78 and 1978-79 seasons and this year 2005-06. If you seen this stat. you would think the Blues would have won at least 3 or 4 Stanley Cups, but living in St. Louis SUCKS being a Hockey fan. They have never Won. They made it twice and lost 4 of 4 games both times back in the late 60's to Montreal. One good thing about this year. I didn't see one game, well I did see about 5 minutes and then I did what I always do when a Sport teams go's on strike. I strike them for 1 year. I did to Baseball and I will to any other sport that doesn't think there making enough money. Anyway being a Blues fan is like being a Cubs fan. I like Hockey, because they fight and only get a 2 minute penalty. You really have to live here to know how it feels. At least we have the Cardinals and (Phat) Albert. M--V--P, M--V--P, M--V--P !
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 12:22 PM on March 24, 2006
Switcheroo de Nice. Le base-ball est un jeu d'équipe, et comme expositions classiques, aucune quantité de compétence individuelle ne peut porter une équipe mal qualifiée. Les ligueurs du Japon sont l'égale des équipes de MLB, pas parce qu'ils sont en tant que physiquement et athlétiquement dominant, mais parce qu'ils ont les principes fondamentaux d'entaille et le jeu supérieurs d'équipe. Je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux de dire que le MLB courant n'est pas jusqu'aux niveaux des J-Ligues.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 07:42 PM on March 21, 2006
I hate Fidel Castro. I also agree with the post that the best Cuba players were not in the country. So Japan beat the 2nd best Cubans. A win never the less. Congratulations Japan. Were was So Taguchi?
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:59 PM on March 21, 2006
Sind Sie alle ein Bündel amerikanische morons? Wenn nicht, was im Bumsen Sie sind. Danke! Ist dieses ein amerikanische Web site. Wenn Sie mir erklären können, wo so der deutsche Aufstellungsort ist. Danke.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:07 PM on March 21, 2006
cl, Don't be so fast to blame his parents? Maybe he's just an Ass Hole on his own. He's parents might be very nice. Personal responsibility has to starts sometime.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:54 PM on March 17, 2006
Thank you yerfatma
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:27 PM on March 17, 2006
Dear everett, Can you tell me what this means? By the way... GYOFB I honestly don't know. Thank you, Sandi
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:14 PM on March 17, 2006
Disappear thread. NOW!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:07 PM on March 17, 2006
Is this spelling class? I hopp so, I cain ues al teh hlpe I cain git. I'm Cixelsyd, backward.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:06 PM on March 17, 2006
Never mind. Amateur spelled it out very clear. Last night it was driving me crazy! Now it makes since and we did get a gift from Bob Davidson. As bad as a gift it was playing Japan.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 12:05 PM on March 17, 2006
Thank you wingnut4life. I was reading the Fox Sports News and it said the first tie breaker was Head to Head and we beat Japan, so why can a team we beat Head to Head be ahead of us. Do you know what I mean? I understand the runs allowed per defensive inning, but we beat Japan and both teams are 1-2. I think that is most important thing.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 12:03 PM on March 17, 2006
Can anyone please tell me how Japan is going on if we (U.S.A.) beat them and both teams are 1-2 ? Sorry for being a smart ass before. Really!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 10:29 AM on March 17, 2006
So after the WBC champ is crowned, is the winner of the World Series declared World Champ? The White Sox should play the WBC Winner.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 10:23 AM on March 17, 2006
Just kidding AGAIN!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 06:24 PM on March 16, 2006
grabofsky, I was just kidding.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 11:33 AM on March 16, 2006
I was only kidding BOYS!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 07:57 PM on March 15, 2006
Well done Folkways. You can learn something everyday. Poor Doc. I really like Gooden & the Strawman too.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:37 PM on March 15, 2006
No, I was being Sarcastic!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:15 PM on March 15, 2006
Save a place for Babyface! Maybe they can put Bonds in the same jail with (DOC) Gooden. They can be Rommies. They do have alot in common. Wife beaters, Tax evasion & Dopers! Only I think Doc is really sorry, but not Barry.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 12:49 PM on March 15, 2006
Send the runner back to 3rd.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:20 PM on March 14, 2006
Out! Player interfered when he hit the ball!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:16 PM on March 14, 2006
elovrich, I was just kidding. It's hard for Ladies to fit in with sports. I love Baseball, Hockey and Football as much as you, but most Ladies aka: Fiminazies don't. I still say if that bad call was made on Team U.S.A. we would be knocking heads together. Glad we won, Tainted as it is! Japan got Screwed! Pearl Harbor???
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 04:18 PM on March 14, 2006
Conceited Popinjay has taken to pretentious displays of the most dubious way of truculents. I'm just trying to fit in.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 12:11 PM on March 14, 2006
The fact of the matter is the best umpires, bla, bla, bla. Anything that starts with "The fact of the matter is." Is Bullshit. You sound like a politician. elovrich Where did you copy & paste that from ? ? ? ? ?
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 09:23 AM on March 14, 2006
Japan got Screwed! How pissed off would we be if the bad call was on the U.S.A.?
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 03:19 PM on March 13, 2006
All I want is for "Albert Pujols & Miguel Cabrera" NOT to get hurt! I have to much money invested in them. I want them to do good, but if they both join there M.L.B. team Monday I won't cry. GO TEAM U.S.A.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 10:56 AM on March 13, 2006
Japan Just got Screwed Big Time! Top of the 8th Was that Don Denkinger who made the call? It was about the same. I'm still rooting for the U.S.A. But????? Holy Shit he was safe.
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 05:51 PM on March 12, 2006
Well as you can see from my name I really want Pujols to do good, but I want the U.S.A. to win it all. GO TEAM U.S.A.! & (Phat) Albert Pujols! Buy the way has anyone heard that Bonds want to play for the U.S.A. The only problem is the cut-off date was March 3rd. Unless someone gets hurt he's not playing. Maybe he can find a way to play anyway. He is Barry Bonds and nothing can stop him. What a f%#king Ass Hole. Bonds that is. I think Pujols was robbed of the 2003 & 2004 MVPs by that Jackoff. Bonds that is. Can you tell how much I hate that F%#king Ass Hole yet! Bonds that is!
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 02:44 PM on March 12, 2006
Someone said. "It's not (steroids) or wasn't cheating before. It is now. Since 2002. I think Babyface owes Pujols at least 2 MVPs for 2003 & 2004. Barry Bonds is one of the biggest Jack-wads ever to play baseball. I think every player in the top 5 of any Baseball Stats should be tested every week. I think Bonds should be checked everyday this year. I mean if he's not cheating he should hit 50 Home runs easy. We can see how he does without the DOPE! I hate cheaters! Even our Brother Hammering Hank thinks Bonds is a joke. "I won't be at 755 or 756." Said Hank Aaron in 2005. Hank also said "I don't mind losing this record. That's what Baseball is all about. But to lose it to someone cheating really hurts."
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 10:45 AM on March 12, 2006
Paul Dana dies from injuries during warm-up crash.
This poor man should have stuck to journalism were life expectancy is 106 years. ~RIP~