Improv Everywhere makes the kids' day.: For one day, two Little League teams got to experience the big leagues; complete with shirtless fans, NBC's Jim Gray calling the game, a jumbotron and the Goodyear blimp.
Terrific. The blimp thing is awesome. I can't believe they got the freakin' blimp.
posted by 86 at 04:40 PM on April 07, 2008
That is so awesome. I once played a soccer game when I was about that age in which a team of guys came to film the game, provide commentary and do after game interviews; then they sold the videos to the teams. That was cool, but man, this is the whole shabang. Fans, mascots, Jim F-ing Gray!
posted by Chargdres at 04:45 PM on April 07, 2008
That was AWESOME. Can you feel the love?
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:20 PM on April 07, 2008
That's incredible. I've never seen anything at a little league game that has even come close to that.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:53 PM on April 07, 2008
I've always been kind of meh towards Improv Everywhere, but that brought a tear to my hardened eye.
posted by slogger at 01:28 AM on April 08, 2008
This has to be one of the most ausome things done. Can you imagine how those kids will feel for years about this. You know they will each get a copy of everything done... These kids were floating on air that day... Great job...
posted by bruce2ww at 08:09 AM on April 08, 2008
Great post, NoMich - thanks This is ridiculously cool. I help coach a U10 team and I can't begin to imagine how bonkers the guys would go if this happened to them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this gets "paid forward" by someone in attendance or who has read about it. Again, great post - this kind of thing is why I'm a SpoFi member.
posted by littleLebowski at 11:51 AM on April 08, 2008
posted by billsaysthis at 02:44 PM on April 08, 2008
This is terrific, but would anyone else have thought to approach the three guys with their shirts off yelling at a Little League game and ask them what the fuck they were doing? Love, Mr. Partypooper, Esq.
posted by wfrazerjr at 06:10 PM on April 08, 2008
via Metafilter. It also very much made my day.