Slow play on golf courses is an epidemic, but I don't think there's a cure. The pros are complaining about it on the PGA TOUR. Most weekend duffers complain about it, too. What can you do about it? Buy a hat!
Given the rich tradition of baseball hats effecting social change, this is definitely the right solution.
posted by kirkaracha at 07:51 PM on February 14, 2002
If people would simply park their cart between the green and the next tee, and then fill in their scorecard at the next tee, I promise I won't be standing in the fairway, waving my arms and generally behaving like an ass. I hate it when I do that. And I agree with the opinion that the course managers are overcrowding the links by scheduling tee times too close. And when the ranger comes and tells you to pick it up when your waiting in a five hole traffic jam? Where the heck are supposed to go faster with one of those train wrecks in front of us?
posted by dglynn at 09:42 AM on February 15, 2002
I think a big part of the problem is greedy golf pros setting tee times a lot closer than they used to be. The Matt Zeh article you linked to mentions as much. e.g. tee times used to be spread out 10 minutes or more, thus allowing ample time for the group ahead to play up the fairway far enough so that the group behind isn't breathing down their necks all afternoon. Now, a 7 minute spread (or less) seems common. This is the equivalent of rush hour traffic on the course.
posted by Vek at 04:50 PM on February 15, 2002
That No Slow Play merch is hideous. I wouldn't wear/display it when I play, and I do my golfing on a municipal course. I agree with dglynn. It is extremely aggravating to stand in the fairway and watch each member of the fivesome in front of you three-putt, then stand on the green and record their triple bogey on the card before putting the pin back in the cup and moving on to the next tee.
posted by thatweirdguy2 at 08:30 AM on February 17, 2002
Slow play "Pet Peeves", according to a Women's Golf Forum survey. Tips for stopping slow play Golf course superintendents survey mentions slow play One guy's opinions