Rowdy 'Redneck Games' Irk Neighbors: There have been more than a few athletes accused of doping over the years - but the competitors at the "Texas Redneck Games" might just be dopes.
posted by commander cody to culture at 03:49 AM - 10 comments
Depends on if it's a twin or a full.
posted by igottheblues at 04:13 AM on August 09, 2007
After a twelve pack, I would only be able to use the mattress conventionally. (that is lie down and take a nap) Wonder how far they would throw me?
posted by terribleteddy at 10:00 AM on August 09, 2007
"Wonder how far they would throw me?" I've seen some of the "bubba's" that compete in me, wouldn't want to be on the mattress when they throw it.
posted by ksb122 at 10:24 AM on August 09, 2007
"ugly butt-crack contest" Finally, something at which I might excell.
posted by graymatters at 10:57 AM on August 09, 2007
"Maybe the neighbors don't particularly like the traffic," he said, "but it seems like most of the businesses in town had a lot of success." Translation: "I'm a whore."
posted by joaquim at 11:09 AM on August 09, 2007
Very clever of the Henderson county officials to blame these activities on alleged "redneck games". That way nobody will suspect that this is just every day life for these enlightened folks. That sound in the background would be Oklahomans giggling. Danged proud tuh be an Uhmurican, I is.
posted by THX-1138 at 05:30 PM on August 09, 2007
That sound in the background would be Oklahomans giggling. Yeah well, Texas would float down toward Yucatan if Oklahoma didn't suck...
posted by bobfoot at 08:52 PM on August 09, 2007
THIS is why the military draft needs to be reinstated. The draft isn't about sending some kid from Princeton over to be killed. It's about weeding Billy Bob (and George W.) out of the gene pool.
posted by MGDADDYO at 10:12 AM on August 10, 2007
MGDADDYO I'll 2nd that!
posted by commander cody at 01:57 PM on August 11, 2007
I'd love to participate, but I have no idea how far I could throw a mattress after a 12 pack....