Bunt Cake.: A comic made from ...BASEBALL CARDS! In the spirit of Get Your War On comes Bunt Cake. A web comic featuring Baseball Card images as the clip art. Linked via Metafilter
Funny stuff, and good pick-up on the Dutch Daulton drug-seeking Sousepaw. In terms of baseball comic-type things, though, I'm a bit partial to the "Official Chat Room of Major league Baseball" over at The Dugout (which I believe I came to originally through a SportsFilter thread, although I can't find it now). The guys (and gals?) who run that site know baseball, so the "chats" are informed and much funnier, in my mind, for being so -- plus the screen names are ofter genius and the whole IM speak is great fun. A couple of my favorites from years past: Free Agency Chat Room; The Sexual Infidelity of Denny Neagle; and Diamond Kings: Merkle's Boner.
posted by holden at 01:34 PM on July 17, 2007
Oh man holden, that is funny shit. The one on their homepage right now with Sheffield is even better. " Kiss_The_Sheff has angrily stormed out of the chatroom."
posted by vito90 at 01:41 PM on July 17, 2007
posted by sickleguy at 01:49 PM on July 17, 2007
Regarding strip #12, how do you make an elephant fly? (Try starting with an 8-foot zipper). vito90, this had me sitting in my cube trying to suppress the laughter before HR came in for a counseling session. Great stuff!!! holden, where did you find The Dugout? I love it.
posted by Howard_T at 04:04 PM on July 17, 2007
The artist, who claims not to know any of these players at all, has Darren Daulton looking for his ecstacy in strip #5. If that's not comedy, I don't want to know what comedy is. Other than that, his commentary is way more entertaining than the strips. Especially his description of his own drum playing ability. Great find, vito.