Phils Handle Tarp and Rockies. 10,000th loss will have to wait: Authorities have released no statement on the whereabouts or condition of Vince Coleman.
posted by tommytrump to baseball at 10:48 PM - 15 comments
Previous SpoFi thread on the matter.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:49 AM on July 09, 2007
The amazing thing about the game last night was that the Phillies, the visiting team, practically every player ran out to help the grounds crew with the tarp. Only one Colorado player bothered to get off the bench and help.
posted by apoch at 06:55 AM on July 09, 2007
Only one Colorado player bothered to get off the bench and help. according to what i've read elsewhere, only one colorado player was on the bench. the rest were already in the clubhouse.
posted by goddam at 10:43 AM on July 09, 2007
Ying Yang, the primary focus of the story is the escapades involving the tarp. In fact the 10,000th loss isn't mentioned until 20 paragraphs into the article.
posted by tommybiden at 11:31 AM on July 09, 2007
posted by goddam at 11:58 AM on July 09, 2007
Theoretically speaking, and possible injuries almost incurred by the grounds crew aside: I don't get why the Phillies would help cover the field. The game was already on the books, Colorado had their shot at the bottom of the 6th, and the Phillies had the lead. They could've let the grounds crew flounder with the tarp, letting the field get too wet to play on and getting the game called by the umps. Voila! A victory. A cheap victory, but it's a long season, take them when you can. Or am I misunderstanding a rule here?
posted by NoMich at 12:20 PM on July 09, 2007
Your misunderstanding the fact that it was humans helping other humans. The Phils made me proud yesterday, even this jaded Phan still gets chills seeing those guys runnin around out there in the rain.
posted by GoBirds at 05:34 PM on July 09, 2007
I don't get why the Phillies would help cover the field. Common courtesy perhaps?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:52 PM on July 09, 2007
Uh...guys...I put a disclaimer of sorts at the top of my post that plainly states that I was theoretically speaking AND that the issue of injury to the grounds crew was to be put aside. I was asking about the rule of games called due to rain delays.
posted by NoMich at 06:25 PM on July 09, 2007
If the Plils averaged a 160 game schedule since their inception back in 1883 and they are coming up on their 10,000 loss they would have to play .500 ball over that 124 year span. Some teams would love to average .500 for more than one season. The heck with the ground crew.
posted by Ironhead at 07:25 PM on July 09, 2007
Ironhead, ask my Royals about 500 ball. I'm not sure they have been over .500 since the 85 series championship.
posted by hawkguy at 08:55 AM on July 10, 2007
According to Wikipedia teams only played 98 games in 1883, and the Phils' all-time record is 8808-9999 (.469).
posted by bender at 12:48 PM on July 10, 2007
That was indeed one of the greatest videos I've seen in awhile. Maybe the Phillies helped because of the great respect most baseball players have for the temple that is a baseball diamond. Probably not, but I can dream.
posted by vito90 at 01:36 PM on July 10, 2007
When the Phillies march to the World Series we'll look back on this game and say, "That's when they really came together as a team." No? ... Okay, then how 'bout this: When the Phillies finish the season 81-81, we'll look back on this and say, "Well, at least there was that funny highlight of them helping with the tarp in Denver."
posted by SummersEve at 07:28 AM on July 11, 2007
Awesome. The best story in baseball not really about baseball this year. Go Fightin Phils! As for the 10,000, glad it had to wait, on the other hand its good to be first in something eh?