Warriors back in playoff run after 12 years of not making the cut.: Chris Mullin was on the Golden State Warriors' last playoff team, and he's the architect of the current club's return to the playoffs after a 12-year absence.
posted by TelamarketersBeware to basketball at 11:55 AM - 9 comments
Nellie has done a great job this year but I don't see the Warriors ever finishing better than the 8th seed with their current roster. I didn't like the Jackson-Harrington trade. Still don't. There is too high a likelihood that this squad is going to combust. And you know it will be at the worst possible moment.
posted by lilnemo at 03:19 PM on April 20, 2007
I can't belive that they actually traded Troy Murphy and Mike Dunleavy. I'm not a warriors fam i'm a Bulls fan, but the Warriors should be better than a 8 seed. they have so much talent in Baron Davis and Jason Richardson. Is any1 doing the NBA Pick One challenge for the NBA playoffs. if so were and when do get your bracket?
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 03:47 PM on April 20, 2007
I know today is "420" but what have you guys been smoking? True, it's not likely that the Warriors will when this series but you can't totally write them off. After all they have beaten the Mavs 6 out of the last 7 games they've met. I believe they are something like 7 of 9 over the last 2 years. As far as the big trade goes, I see the Pacers, who were 20 & 19 when the trade was made, is not in the play offs. Go figure. I'm predicting that the series will go at least 6 games and who knows, it could be the Warriors on top with a huge upset. Go WARRIORS!
posted by camzilla at 05:20 PM on April 20, 2007
Is any1 It's two additional keystrokes (anyone). Make the effort please.
posted by YukonGold at 05:50 PM on April 20, 2007
It's two additional keystrokes (anyone). Make the effort please im sorry that i have a tight scedule and am in a hurry all the time. I'll try to watch my typing and spelling in the future. And i'm expecting the Warriors to go seven games or even beat the Mavs. But i don't think that they will go much farther than that. Happy 4-20 everybody.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 06:46 PM on April 20, 2007
After all they have beaten the Mavs 6 out of the last 7 games they've met. And how many of those games were played in the post-season? None. While the Pacers finished in 9th, just outside of the playoffs, I would still forecast their future as brighter than the GSW. I will take the front office of Donny Walsh over Chris Mullin any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. This is the same GM who overpaid Dunleavy and Murphy only to get back 2 head-cases in Jackson and Harrington in return. Enjoy the first round, unless Mullin gets creative this off-season, the GSW won't even be sniffing it for awhile.
posted by lilnemo at 06:55 PM on April 20, 2007
Nellie has done a great job this year I wouldn't call it a *great* job, but he's done well. The Murphy/Dunleavy trade for Harrington and Jackson played right into his hands. He's done this year what he's done since he started out some 30 years ago at Milwaukee and every stop he's had since before I was born. Baron and Rich and Harrington play right into his hand. I do question his heart as a coach given the circumstances he left Dallas. I know he had some beef with Cuban, and he even had Del Harris approach Mark regarding (the inevitable) transistion of retiring v. firing and letting Avery take the reigns. I thought he'd be content with retiring in Hawaii with a giant bowl of Maui-Wowie. Turns out not so much. That said, this is a very sexy first round series. Nellie comes back to a franchise that he (and his son, who is still the Mavs GM) helped rebuild from the absolute worst franchise of the 90's to a contender. This (along with the Lakers/Suns -- Kobe v. Raja) is going to be a fun series. I'll be at game two. I also have a ticket to game 7. Tacos to tugrugs I won't use it.
posted by Ufez Jones at 11:46 PM on April 20, 2007
That said, this is a very sexy first round series. Nellie comes back to a franchise that he (and his son, who is still the Mavs GM) helped rebuild from the absolute worst franchise of the 90's to a contender. I'd give Donnie a bit more credit than Don on that account. Don't get me wrong, Nellie is a hell of a coach, but Donnie not only helped turn the franchise around, he's really beat the bushes to find talent to keep the Mavs contending.
posted by lilnemo at 01:06 PM on April 21, 2007
Good for them. I hope they enjoy their four games against the Mavericks.