Hidden: ND vs. LSU: I'm a big ND fan, but I'm not looking forward to this match up. ND fell into the BCS for two reasons: 1) stupid conference contract rules and 2) the lure of big money packed into the stands. A Gator Bowl birth vs. WVU would have been more appropriate and, I think, a more exciting match up.
Chico, are you saying I violated posting guidelines under the fan catagory? Not the case. I am expressing an opinion that ND would be better suited in the Gator Bowl and did not deserve the BCS birth. I am hoping this would generate conversation from others.
posted by FonGu at 04:20 PM on December 25, 2006
Chico, if your objection is to my link being from Yahoo, I apologize. I would have posted the link from Blue Gold Illustrated where 3 of the 4 in-house writers are picking LSU over ND, but that would have required a paid subscriber fee from the SportFilter community to read. It would have been usless to post a much more interesting and in-depth analysis that no one other the paying ND fans could read.
posted by FonGu at 04:28 PM on December 25, 2006
Alright, here's two: - A good FPP is a link with a brief description of what the link is about, and that's it. Don't editorialize on the front page. Biased posts make for biased discussions. Personal opinion belongs inside the thread. ... - SportsFilter is not an open discussion board. We require a quality link at the top of your post. Linking to your team's home page because you'd like to discuss their outlook for the current season does not meet that criterion. Between that and the fact that you've posted four articles today alone, I'm just saying it might be a good idea to pull it back a bit. Bringing your opinions inside the thread is a big deal, though. Turn those opinions into your first comment inside the thread, and that'll really help foster better discussion.
posted by chicobangs at 05:20 PM on December 25, 2006
Point taken. As to the number of posts, its been a slow day and I've been surfing.
posted by FonGu at 05:30 PM on December 25, 2006
ND 23...LSU 48
posted by chant at 08:38 PM on December 25, 2006
Who gives a s**t? Why should it matter that he's a fan too? I think FonGu made a great point, it all about money with these bowls, that is why there is not a fair play-off system and my team is wondering how it wasn't good enough becuz their only loss was by 3 points...on the road...to the number one team in the country. but that would be biased, huh?
posted by dezznutz at 12:17 AM on December 26, 2006
Who gives a s**t? Why should it matter that he's a fan too? Oh, read the guidelines already for heaven's sake, people. Sheesh. If you post a FPP to SportsFilter, you post a quality link (not Yahoo), and you keep your opinions out of the FPP. You're welcome to expand on them in the comments, but not the FPP. If you don't get why that's a good idea, that's fine -- the internet is full of sports forums that don't have these standards. But SportsFilter does have them, and if you want to raise a discussion about their validity, do it in the Locker Room.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:52 AM on December 26, 2006
Oh, read the guidelines already for heaven's sake, people. Sheesh. If you post a FPP to SportsFilter, you post a quality link (not Yahoo), and you keep your opinions out of the FPP. You're welcome to expand on them in the comments, but not the FPP. If you don't get why that's a good idea, that's fine -- the internet is full of sports forums that don't have these standards. But SportsFilter does have them, and if you want to raise a discussion about their validity, do it in the Locker Room. There will always be "people" in life who are freaked out if you don't follow the rules to a T. Its nice to see so much time can be dedicated to such serious matters. Here is a better idea. If you don't like the topic or the post, move on. That is so simple. The true reason for this forum is to get people to use Yahoo! and generate numbers to get maximum advertising revenue. Lets not be so nit picky with the rules "people".
posted by panteeze at 08:47 AM on December 26, 2006
Yahoo! actually has some very fine writers/columnists woking in their sports department, too. For my money, anyway...
posted by mjkredliner at 08:56 AM on December 26, 2006
Here is a better idea. If you don't like the topic or the post, move on. That is so simple. Actually, no, it isn't, because the not-liking in this case had nothing to do with the topic. It had to do with the post not adhering to the guidelines. And if you don't like the guidelines of the site (for any "you" out there), then I'd say you need to move on. If the rules of this site bother you so much that being asked to adhere to them makes you wail and gnash your teeth, there are lots of other sports sites out there where you'll probably be a lot happier. At a minimum, if you'd rather complain about the guidelines than follow them, you need to take it to the Locker Room.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:02 AM on December 26, 2006
Actually, no, it isn't, because the not-liking in this case had nothing to do with the topic. It had to do with the post not adhering to the guidelines. And if you don't like the guidelines of the site (for any "you" out there), then I'd say you need to move on. If the rules of this site bother you so much that being asked to adhere to them makes you wail and gnash your teeth, there are lots of other sports sites out there where you'll probably be a lot happier. At a minimum, if you'd rather complain about the guidelines than follow them, you need to take it to the Locker Room. LOL, this is a free forum open to all yet some "people" have to claim it as their own. And I have to make my point again, its not about the rules. Its all about marketing and creating ways to get "people" to visit Yahoo! for money. If you want to have your serious little club where all follow the rules, then create your own site and charge a fee. Somehow I think you would enjoy that while being able to tell others how they should act. There are more serious matters in this world other than getting your shorts in a bunch over such trivial matters. Did Santa bring you a gift card in order to get a life? I hope so!
posted by panteeze at 09:21 AM on December 26, 2006
panteeze, some people did create this site. I'm not one of them, and they are not Yahoo, and they have the right to make the rules, and you're breaking several of them. Why don't you take your own advice? Don't like it here? Ease on down the road.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:36 AM on December 26, 2006
And I have to make my point again, its not about the rules. Its all about marketing and creating ways to get "people" to visit Yahoo! for money. Justgary, rcade and kirkaracha are actually Yahoo!? Why didn't someone tell me? I'm always the last to know. Well, guys how about getting us free stat tracker in our fantasy leagues? Is that too much to ask?
posted by bperk at 10:04 AM on December 26, 2006
Panteeze perhaps you should take a look at this thread. Rather, since you have shown yourself to lazy to read/listen to important items such as the posting guidelines I'll summarize the main points. This site [sportsfilter] began in 2002 with seven founders running code created by Matt Haughey of MetaFilter. Over time, as the traffic grew and the workload required to run the site increased, we consolidated ownership to the three founders most involved in the site: Gary Ryan, Kirk Franklin and myself [rcade]. Gary takes the lead on administrative and editorial duties; Kirk's the main web designer; and I handle server administration, programming, accounting and taxes. Bperk I agree with you. If the Pantheon is Yahoo! why are we still paying for our stat trackers?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 10:21 AM on December 26, 2006
Could it be Panteeze found this site through RSS on the my.yahoo.com page and assumes it's part of Yahoo?
posted by SummersEve at 10:26 AM on December 26, 2006
Wouldn't he then have to believe that the NY Times, AP, Reuters, and such are all run by Yahoo! as well.
posted by bperk at 10:28 AM on December 26, 2006
Good point.
posted by SummersEve at 10:29 AM on December 26, 2006
If this were a Yahoo! run web site, then wouldn't the ads be supported by someone other than Google?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 10:30 AM on December 26, 2006
FonGu, you might want to read the posting guidelines.