From a Hero to Felon. : Addiction threw Sammy Stewart a curveball, and the former O's pitcher has yet to recover .
posted by Hugh Janus to baseball at 04:25 PM - 4 comments
Horrible story. It's especially horrible for his poor daughter. The part about him homeless and asking her (and her mother) for money is brutal. My best buddy growing up was a huge Orioles fan, so I remember Sammy. Man, that bald head really makes him look 100 percent different. I'll probably keep this story where I can show it to some of the older kids I work with. Thanks for finding it, HughJ.
posted by dyams at 07:04 PM on December 21, 2006
It is bad enough when someone who doesn't have much wastes it on drugs but for someone who was successful to throw it all away is an even bigger waste. It is a sad story but you reap what you sow.
posted by bry66 at 03:35 PM on December 22, 2006
He's running out of chances. If he keeps up his drug lifestyle when he gets out, he'll be dead within two years. Hope he makes it this time.
posted by Desert Dog at 04:12 PM on December 22, 2006
His first game in the big leagues was my first game as a kid and I remember all the people leaving the game talking about him. Since he and I share a name, I was always Sammy Stewart when we played, even though I never pitched. This is a sad story.