Green Bay Officially Cuts Brookins.: What an absolutely strange story...does one find Brookins at fault for going overboard? To his defense, what else could be going through a player's mind when you're asked to hand over your playbook on cut day with no explanations? Does the blame lie on Brookins, or should we find the Packers at fault for not being clear when they asked for his playbook?
If Green Bay is cutting him because they were already thinking they didn't want him anyway, and were only going to update his playbook so they could put him in one more game for a closer look and a final decision, then that's that- bad mis-communication, but there it is. But if Green Bay is cutting him because he left camp early- well, then they're freakin' retarded. Still- don't know, if it had been me in Brookins shoes, that I wouldn't have at least asked point blank when they asked for my playbook "So I'm being cut?" to be sure I'm off the team. However, it does seem that most reasonable players would have come to the same conclusion as Brookins.
posted by hincandenza at 07:46 PM on August 29, 2002
Brookins should have asked, but this one's on the Packers: Any reason they couldn't just insert the pages? I could see if everyone's playbook needed some retooling, but that's not the impression I got.
posted by jackhererra at 03:57 PM on September 02, 2002
It sounds like there was a miscommunication with the coaches. They probably didn't tell him the reason they needed his playbook. Ki-Jana Carter got cut and he didn't take any pre-season snaps. Brookins thought the same happened to him. Even after getting back to his Missouri home, he could have patched things up with coach Mike Sherman. Is it a big loss for the Pack? No, but they're still looking for a back-up at fullback.